Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Creating a computer system Essay
1. 1 Introduction Wooten Basset Rugby Club, are a rugby club in the Swindon zone, whom play 15 a side rugby association. They put out a quantities of groups every week running from junior levels, senior groups and women’s rugby. Of my anxiety is the U-16s, whom might want to modernize various undertakings and have a reference for important information including player and parent data. In a specific season there will be somewhere in the range of 20 and 30 players at the club. These players are prepared by the lead trainer and around three different mentors every one of whom are comprised of guardians of the players. The lead trainer is liable for a significant part of the current authoritative work. 1. 2 Current System Currently all assignments for the club are completed physically. For instance while sorting out a match against an adversary group a letter is composed explicitly for every player. With upwards of 30 players at the club, this is tiring and monotonous work. Information is at present put away in documents kept at the head coach’s house. This arrangement of holding data has gotten untrustworthy as over the historical backdrop of the cooperative individuals have proceeded onward or changed their subtleties. At the point when this happens because of time limitations, addresses for instance are frequently added to as opposed to changed making two unmistakable locations confusing issues when significant letters should be sent. In the past when players have left their record has not been evacuated leaving a lot of futile data. The entirety of this convolutes matters while looking for information making the procedure longer and progressively untrustworthy. Among the crew of players, every player has his own particular needs. For instance various players require distinctive preparing techniques, for example, wellness or strategies. With numerous players and barely any training staff it gets hard to arrange. At present this is sorted out through memory which is troublesome because of the above reasons. The current framework has no extension for assessing players from groups the club faces. No information is kept on players from different groups like their scoring or disciplinary records. They can consequently not evaluate before an installation which players are a risk and strategies endure. Scoring and disciplinary information is put away on paper kept in records. This information is again not all around oversaw and inclined to being lost gaining dissecting a player’s ground somewhere close to troublesome and unimaginable. Likewise they can't see which players are the top scorers or most not well restrained. Cash the board is likewise an issue. Expenses used to pay math authorities are deducted structure the charges paid by players. This is composed by the mentors, anyway frequently players miss this installment and the referee’s installment is short. However with in any event 15 players playing in each match records of owes cash are not kept and this data is just overlooked. 1. 3 Interview Summary In request to make this framework it was significant that I lead a meeting with one of the end clients for the framework. This will give a decent framework of the necessities for the framework. The meeting was with the lead trainer whom will be the transcendent client of the framework. From the meeting this is a framework of what the new framework should accomplish:  Produce format letters for various issues. These letters incorporate Match subtleties, which will enlighten players concerning a match its date, scene and other significant data. Greeting letter to different clubs welcoming them to a match. Player and parent information. Store contact insights regarding players and guardians.  Statistics. Store insights on players including focuses scored, attempts and appearances.  Team data. Store subtleties on rival groups, for example, contact subtleties. Installations. Store apparatus data including scores, dates and settings.  Ability to see provides details regarding players from the club.  An capacity to follow enrollment installments. The framework must demonstrate whether a players has paid his participation for that season.  Create alliances of the club’s driving scorers and those with the most exceedingly terrible disciplinary records.  Store information about what kind of preparing every player is on. For instance a few players may have wellness preparing or others advances preparing. Screen accounts for every apparatus. For every apparatus a player needs to pay an expense of I 2. Other significant focuses taken from the meeting:  System must be as robotized as conceivable as client needs framework to spare him time. Basic UI. A few of the mentors whom will utilize the framework have almost no information on PCs and will battle with a convoluted framework.  System will be run from head coach’s PC subsequently not need any system abilities. Lead trainer has duplicates of Microsoft Access previously put away on his PC. IT experience comprises just of utilization of Microsoft applications.  Data on apparatuses and measurements just to be saved for each season in turn. After this period information will be erased and new record will be kept.  Hold information identifying with competition and decide the club’s progress in these competitions. 1. 4 Data Requirements From the meeting it has become obvious that I should store a lot of information. I have separated this information into the accompanying gatherings: Players, Fixtures, Rivals, Rival Players, Players-Fixtures and Rival Players-Fixtures. An essential key will be utilized for each situation to exceptionally distinguish each record, these are set apart by these images, < and >. PLAYERS manages information identifying with players, for example, enrollment and contact subtleties: <Membership Number> †An exceptional code used to recognize every player. Every Membership code is comprised of three numbers and a letter. The letter speaks to the age gathering, as this letter just arrangements with one age bunch every participation code will have the letter, E. For instance, 001E Name †Christian and Surname just Parent †Store parent’s name for contact subtleties. Address1 †Store first line of a player’s address. Address2 †Store second line of a player’s address where material. Postcode Training-What sort of preparing the player is on. Client might have the option to choose from these qualities: Fitness, Backs, Forwards or General. Phone Number Membership Paid †Whether a player has paid enrollment expenses for current year or not. Apparatuses handles information spinning every installation played or to be played: <Fixture Code> †Identifies every installation extraordinarily as some installation might be against a similar group. Group Code †Determines which group is to be played or has been played Team Score †Score for Wooten Bassett, invalid if not played. Opponent Score †Score for rival, invalid if not played. Competition Code †Foreign key which distinguishes which competition an apparatus has a place with. Well disposed apparatuses will be dictated by a particular code. Date Venue †Select from either home or away. Round †Determines which round of the opposition, for instance initially round or semi last. Opponents holds information on groups played by the rugby club, this incorporates contact subtleties: <Team Code> †Each group will be alloted a one of a kind if there should be an occurrence of two groups having a similar name. Group Name †Name of each adversary group. Phone Address1 †First line of each team’s address. Address2 †Second line of each team’s address if pertinent. City Postcode Directions †Description of how to arrive at rival club. PLAYERS-FIXTURES identifies with the activities of players in every apparatus, this incorporates scores and disciplinary data: <Membership Number> †Used to distinguish player for which record is put away. <Fixture Code> †Identifies which installation record identifies with. Attempts †Number of attempts scored by a specific player in every installation. Punishments †All extra shots changed over by a player in an apparatus. Drop Kicks †All drop kicks scored by a player in an installation. Disciplinary †Whether a player was taught in an installation and what level of activity, a yellow card for instance. Expense Owed - The sum paid will be shown from. Competition holds information identifying with competitions the clubs plays in: <Tournament Code> †Unique code which distinguishes every competition. Victor †Eventual champ of competition. 1. 5 Entity Relationship Diagram This chart of how information will be kept in the new framework. The Players-Fixtures information store will interface Players and Fixtures together. It will store information identifying with what a specific player does in each game. Each record will be recognized by utilizing a player’s enrollment code and the comparing installation code, these two remote keys will make a composite key. Every player may have played in numerous apparatuses and in this manner have numerous records in Players-Fixtures. This makes a one to numerous connection among, Players and Players-Fixtures. Likewise numerous records in Players-Fixtures may identify with one installation thus a one to numerous relationship exists among Fixtures and Players-Fixtures. The Rival Players-Fixtures information store is like Players-Fixtures, anyway it stores information about opponent players instead of players for Wooten Bassett rugby club. Each record will be remarkably distinguished utilizing the outside keys of opponent player code to figure out which player, and apparatus code to decide the installation. Again a one to numerous relationship exists among Fixtures and Rival Players-Fixtures as one apparatus may have many related records in Rival Players-Fixtures. Each Rival Player may have numerous records in Rival Players-Fixtures as they have played in numerous apparatuses, a one to numerous relationship will exist here. Wooten Bassett will confront a wide range of adversary clubs with a wide range of Rival Players. Accordingly Rivals will store information pretty much all opponent clubs and each record will be extraordinarily recognized by group code. Opponent Players will store information will store information pretty much all the players who play for these clubs will be recognized by the adversary player code. To figure out which player plays for which club Rival Players w
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Post Colonial Lit & A Small Place Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Post Colonial Lit and A Small Place - Essay Example With no capacity to dispatch a counter assault on any fronts, Antiguans just capitulated to the weight. The normal procedure of social improvement of Antigua went to a dead end. The country lost the balance. The intensity of colonization is extreme to such an extent that it has the ability to thoroughly demolish any culture that it experiences in transit and it prompts financial, social, and social or more all the subjugation of the psyches of the individuals. That is valid for Antigua. The British had made a blushing image of standard of life before the ignitable more youthful age of Antigua. The nearby people had been encountering for many years the effect of British culture, convention and power and the procedure of moderate disruption proceeded. The working class was pulled in by the guarantees and riches producing ability of the entrepreneur state like Britain. Concerning ethics, the British were no match when contrasted with the standard of Antiguans. The nearness of the Britis h in various portions in the life of Antiguans is being experienced, in any event, when they have left the nation for good. Aberrant colonization in the fragments of culture and economy is going on unabated and unchecked, shockingly however. Kincaid treats the appearance of the traveler the post-pilgrim period in Antigua in an intriguing and interesting style. She expresses that the traveler doesn't show up with an expectation to abuse. Be that as it may, he expects to be treated in a particular way. Is it predominance complex? It is so; despite the fact that the visitor may not say it transparently. He has gone to a nation to spend his expendable riches and to appreciate. How do local people respond to the appearance of the visitors in their nation? Kincaid clarifies their demeanor with loads of mockery: â€Å"An monstrous thing, that is the thing that you are the point at which you become a traveler, a terrible void thing, an inept thing, a bit of refuse delaying to a great exten t to look at this and taste that, and it will never happen to you that the individuals who possess the spot where you have recently stopped can't stand you, that behind their shut entryways they chuckle at your strangeness.†(17)The have nation, needs the territories of mechanical turn of events and other riches producing framework, needs such sightseers, as they carry cash and work to local people. Thus, the travel industry doesn't have a national objective or goal in Antigua. It creates like a help industry to take into account the ethnocentric requests on this nation and adding to the further headway of social imperialism. Pioneers are administering from outside, without the obligation of the administration of the region of Antigua. This is a little however scaring book, which sets the sociologists, market analysts and the lawmakers thinking. She gives the under-spoke to rendition of what occurred in Antigua, which is additionally valid for the greater part of the colonized nations. She assaults the Europeans violently for all the underhanded they piled upon the individuals of Antigua, and she has own point of view of judging the past and picturing the present and what's to come. She tones town her assault and makes the practical evaluation about the situation of the individuals of Antigua in this way: â€Å"Of course, the entire thing is, when you stop to be an ace, when you lose your lord's burden, you are not, at this point human waste, you are only a person, and all the things that indicates. In this way, too with the
Thursday, August 13, 2020
How Long Does Marijuana Stay in Your System
How Long Does Marijuana Stay in Your System Addiction Drug Use Marijuana Print How Long Does Marijuana Stay in Your System? Marijuana in Your Blood, Urine, Hair, Saliva By Buddy T facebook twitter Buddy T is an anonymous writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. Learn about our editorial policy Buddy T Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on September 19, 2019 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on November 27, 2019 More in Addiction Drug Use Marijuana Cocaine Heroin Meth Ecstasy/MDMA Hallucinogens Opioids Prescription Medications Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery In This Article Table of Contents Expand Effects Duration Detection Times Elimination Symptoms of Overdose Getting Help View All Back To Top The effects of marijuana fade quickly, but the drug can be detected in the body for weeks and sometimes longer. The amount of time the active ingredients and breakdown products of weed remain in the system can range from a few hours to 90 days, depending on how often or how much marijuana the person has been using. Although a number of states in the U.S. have active medical marijuana laws and recreational use of marijuana for adults over the age of 21 is legal in 11 states, Washington, DC, the Northern Mariana Islands, and Guam, the federal government continues to classify marijuana as a Schedule I controlled substance. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), roughly 1 in 10 people who use marijuana will become addictedâ€"and these rates rise to 1 in 6 if they start using the drug prior to age 18. The FDA has not yet approved medical marijuana for any medical indication, but it is often prescribed for chronic pain, nausea, HIV, multiple sclerosis, glaucoma, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Verywell / JR Bee What to Know About Marijuana Use How Long Does It Take to Feel the Effects? The effects of marijuana can vary from person to person. Some people may feel euphoric and relaxed while others feel anxious and paranoid. In other cases, people report feeling dopey and experience a loss of interest in activities or an inability to grasp concepts. The chemical in marijuana that makes you feel high is tetrahydrocannabinol, also called delta-9-THC or simply THC. It enters the bodys bloodstream rapidly after smoking marijuana. If marijuana is ingested orally rather than smoked, it takes longer to be absorbed into the blood, usually from 20 minutes to an hour and a half, but this can vary based on the amount taken as well as physiological factors such as absorption and rates of metabolism and excretion can influence drug concentrations in circulation.?? Effects can be far-ranging depending on the strain, method of consumption, and amount and can include the following: Dry mouthSwollen eyelidsBloodshot eyesPleasurable body sensationsIncreased appetite (the munchies)RelaxationStimulationDistorted perception (sights, sounds, time, touch)Loss of coordinationTrouble with thinking, memory, and problem-solvingIncreased heart rate The short-term effects of marijuana on memory, learning, problem-solving, and coordination last for one to two hours, with some lingering effects for up to 24 hours.?? Its been shown to impair your driving performance for up to three hours, according to the National Highway Safety Administration. The effects of marijuana are also influenced by the terpene profiles of a given strain. For instance, citrus terpene profiles tend to be more stimulating, which may be the desired effect, or may contribute to someone feeling anxious. It is important to know that not all marijuana is created equal. Unlike other prescription drugs, marijuana products arent standardized and can vary considerably in quality, makeup, and dosage. This variance may contribute to how quickly you feel the effects and what those effects are. THC can interact with alcohol, blood thinners, and anti-anxiety medications, so its important to discuss your marijuana use with your doctor. What a Marijuana High Feels Like How Long Does Marijuana Last? The half-life of marijuana is how long it takes for half of the drug to be metabolized and eliminated from the bloodstream. While there are many different cannabinoids, THC is the one most drug tests are looking for. THC is rapidly broken down and modified into molecules known as metabolites. At least 80 different metabolites are formed from THC and may have their own effects on the bodys endocannabinoid system. These metabolites are stored in body fat and are gradually eliminated from the body through feces and urine. Some THC metabolites have an elimination half-life of 20 hours whereas others are stored in body fat and have an elimination half-life of 10 to 13 days.?? It takes five to six half-lives for a substance to be almost entirely eliminated. This is why you see advice that one-time use is probably not detectable after five to eight days. Blood and Saliva Because marijuana stays in the bloodstream for only a short time, blood tests for marijuana are usually not used. The exceptions are in the case of automobile accidents and some roadside sobriety checkpoints. Blood or saliva tests can show current intoxication. However, unlike blood alcohol concentration tests, they do not indicate a level of intoxication or impairment. Hair Daily or near-daily cannabis consumption is likely, but not always, detectable by a hair test up to three months later. But, the hair test is not reliably able to detect infrequent cannabis use or determine the amount of cannabis used.?? Urine Urine tests for marijuana metabolites also only show recent marijuana use, not current intoxication or impairment. This is because of the time required between use and your body breaking down THC to the metabolites that are eliminated in the urine. Because many employers have a zero-tolerance for drug use, most workplaces use urine tests to detect recent use of drugs. False Positive Testing Workplace testing for marijuana might entail first screening the sample with an immunoassay test, known as the EMIT or RIA. If positive results are returned, the sample is again screened with a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GCMS), which is much more accurate and so false positives are rare.?? No known substances would cause a marijuana urine test to return a false positive. At one time, ibuprofen (sold over-the-counter as Advil, Motrin, and Nuprin) would cause false marijuana positives. But todays tests have been adjusted to eliminate that problem. In places where marijuana is legal, roadside blood tests have been known to show some false positives in people who had been legally consuming cannabis but were not actively intoxicated at the time of the test. A 2016 report detailed a Belgian policy of testing oral fluid at the roadside that found it decreased these types of false positives.?? Factors That Affect Detection Time The length of time marijuana remains in your body depends on many different factors, including frequency of use, body mass, metabolism, sex, and hydration levels. Frequency of Use There is some evidence that the length of time that marijuana remains in the body is affected by how often the person uses marijuana, how much they use, and how long they have been using. People who use marijuana regularly have reported positive drug test results after 45 days since last use, and people who use more heavily have reported positive tests up to 90 days after quitting. In a 2017 study of 136 people who use cannabis subjected to hair tests, the presence of five cannabinoids, THC, THC-OH, THC-COOH, cannabinol, and cannabidiol, were present in 77% of the heavy users and 39% of the light users.?? Sex Women often metabolize THC at a slightly slower rate since they tend to have higher levels of body fat than male counterparts. Metabolism The faster your metabolism, which can be impacted by age, physical activity, and certain health conditions, the faster marijuana will exit your body. Body Mass Index (BMI) THC metabolites are often stored in the fat cells in your body, so the higher your body fat (or BMI), the slower youll likely be able to metabolize and excrete marijuana. Hydration When youre dehydrated, youll have more concentrations of THC in the body. Flooding yourself with water wont make you pass a drug test, however. Instead, it will dilute it and youll likely need to retake the test. Smoking vs. Vaping vs. Edibles The method of use also impacts the detection time. If marijuana is smoked or vaped, the THC levels in the body will drop faster than if you ingest it. Edibles take longer to break down in the body and leave your system. How to Get Marijuana Out of Your System Many employers have a workplace drug policy that includes random drug testing for current employees and routine testing for all new job applicants. If you are required to take a urine test on short notice for employment or other purposes and you have recently smoked marijuana, you are probably going to fail the test. This is particularly true if your use is regular or heavy. You can be fired for failing a drug test even in states where the recreational use of marijuana has been legalized. The only completely reliable way of passing the test is to stop smoking or ingesting marijuana or cannabis products. Although you will see many tips on how to beat a marijuana drug test, most have proven to be urban legends. Some of these questionable techniques include the following. Washing Your System Out This method entails drinking a lot of water or liquids and urinating several times before the test, then taking vitamin B-12 to add color back to the urine. Although this may lower the percentage of THC found in the urine by diluting it, it will not totally eliminate THC metabolites. Some people will also try to exercise before the test, but that can actually backfire, depending on the test, as it can release stored THC from fat into the blood, according to one study in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence.?? Using Drug Screening Agents Some companies sell various substances and herbal teas that are allegedly capable of cleaning the bodys system of traces of marijuana. There is little evidence that any of them actually work. The catch is that most of them have to be used over an extended period of time, during which the body will naturally eliminate THC anyway. Tampering With the Test This involves adding something to the urine to contaminate the sample. There are tales of using Visine, bleach, salt, or detergent to the urine sample, but these items are easily detected by the lab. Several commercial products are sold as urine test adulterants, but none are 100% foolproof. All of them can be detected by the laboratory if a separate test is run for them. Symptoms of Overdose It is very difficult to physically overdose on marijuana because the lethal dose is so much higher than the effective dose. Very few marijuana overdoses have ever been reported. If someone you know has taken too much marijuana, and that is the only thing they have taken, an overdose is highly unlikely, but that doesnt mean that marijuana is not harmful.?? Psychological distress is possible as is impairment of judgment, both of which can lead to hazardous behaviors that can harm yourself and someone else. Although rare, people can experience THC toxicity when using marijuana in high doses, especially in the form of edibles. Symptoms can include: Psychosis or paranoia (or exacerbation of pre-existing mental health conditions)Uncontrollable vomitingHeart arrhythmiasSeizures If you are someone you love has a family history of mental illness, it is beneficial for you to consult your doctor before using marijuana. The concept of set and setting is also important. Since people who have taken too much marijuana can experience sensory overload, minimizing overstimulating inputs in the environment can help them to relax. Some people are also more affected by marijuana than others. Can You Overdose on Marijuana? Getting Help You may have a prescription for medical marijuana, or you may want to partake of weed or marijuana edibles in states where it is now legal for recreational use at the state level. There is a common perception that you cannot develop a physical dependence on marijuana, but this is not the case. Psychological dependence is also a consideration. If you discontinue marijuana after regular or heavy use, you may experience symptoms of withdrawal. Signs of marijuana withdrawal include: CravingsMood swingsSleep disruptionHeadachesAppetite changeWeight lossWeight gainDigestion problemsCramps or nausea after eating How Long Does Withdrawal From Marijuana Last? If you find that you cant handle symptoms of withdrawal without relapsing, you may be at risk for a substance use disorder. Do not be afraid to seek out professional support from a mental health professional. There are therapists who can help you understand your reasons for using, how cannabis use is impacting your life, and how to develop a plan to stop using if that ends up being the best choice for you. Cannabis Use Disorder Problematic Marijuana Use
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Associate Criminal Justice Degree Checklist 7 Things to Consider Before Enrolling 2019
Online degree programs have made earning an associate criminal justice degree easier than ever before. Students can now attend classes at any time from any place while maintaining professional and personal responsibilities. Many online degree programs, however, do not deliver the quality of education students expect. Any associate criminal justice degree checklist of considerations should include these 7 questions: 1. Is the Associate Criminal Justice Degree Accredited? The school offering the associate criminal justice degree should be accredited by The Higher Learning Commission. It should also be a member of one of the six regional associations of colleges and schools. For example, the University of Phoenix is a member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. This is the same system that accredits schools like Harvard, Yale, and state universities. 2. What is the Focus of the Associate Criminal Justice Degree Curriculum? Because an associate criminal justice degree is a foundational program, the curriculum should provide a broad overview of the criminal justice system. It should also teach professional skills that prepare the student for a practical career. .uc94573b44fc137584ff5e221c39fb2c5 { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .uc94573b44fc137584ff5e221c39fb2c5:active, .uc94573b44fc137584ff5e221c39fb2c5:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .uc94573b44fc137584ff5e221c39fb2c5 { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .uc94573b44fc137584ff5e221c39fb2c5 .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .uc94573b44fc137584ff5e221c39fb2c5 .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .uc94573b44fc137584ff5e221c39fb2c5:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ General Engineering Degree The Profession of Engineering Attracts Clever, Practical Designers3. What are Alumni of the Associate Criminal Justice Degree Doing? An associate criminal justice degree should prepare students to enter positions in the following areas: Law enforcement. Corrections. Probation. Government. Private security. The degree should also count towards at least part of a bachelor of science in criminal justice. 4. Who Teaches the Associate Criminal Justice Degree Classes? Associate criminal justice degree classes should be taught by knowledgeable professors. Professors should also have practical experience in criminal justice. 5. What Types of Financial Aid are Available to Students in the Associate Criminal Justice Degree Program? Associate criminal justice degree programs should offer a variety of financial aid options. For example, the University of Phoenix Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice program accepts several forms of federal and state financial aid, employer reimbursement, and low interest-rate loans. 6. How Long does it take to Complete the Associate Criminal Justice Degree? This associate criminal justice degree checklist consideration is important for career and financial planning. How many credits are required to complete the degree, and how long does that typically take? For example, the University of Phoenix Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice requires 60 credits, which can be completed in 20 months. Some students complete the program in even less time by transferring previously earned credits. .u6aab3976aaf8d010d46fd3bc6942ce5b { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .u6aab3976aaf8d010d46fd3bc6942ce5b:active, .u6aab3976aaf8d010d46fd3bc6942ce5b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .u6aab3976aaf8d010d46fd3bc6942ce5b { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .u6aab3976aaf8d010d46fd3bc6942ce5b .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .u6aab3976aaf8d010d46fd3bc6942ce5b .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .u6aab3976aaf8d010d46fd3bc6942ce5b:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Online Management Degree Program Work for Multiple Companies or Become Self-Employed as a Management Analyst7. What is the Credit Transfer Policy for the Associate Criminal Justice Degree? Previous criminal justice education can significantly speed the process of earning an associate criminal justice degree. Find out if previously-earned credits are counted towards the degree requirements. The University of Phoenix accepts most credits that have been earned with a C- or better. With the right features, an associate degree in criminal justice online can be the perfect route to career advancement. To request more information about the University of Phoenix Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice, prospective students are encouraged to submit this information request form. Additional links to criminal justice online and campus-based programs are available through, the leading education and career resource website. Related ArticlesAssociate Degree in Criminal Justice 20 Months to a Better Career or Foundation for a Bachelor DegreeAssociate of Science in Criminal Justice Connecticut Students Discover Flexible OptionsCriminal Justice Associate Degree Virginia Campuses Compliment Online Learning at the University of PhoenixUse the Internet to Attain a Masters Degree in TeachingThe Road to a Criminal Justice Career Earning an A.A. in Criminal JusticeIs a Bachelors in Criminal Justice For You .u3cd3aa4516759379b049bd6b2678ed05 { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .u3cd3aa4516759379b049bd6b2678ed05:active, .u3cd3aa4 516759379b049bd6b2678ed05:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .u3cd3aa4516759379b049bd6b2678ed05 { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .u3cd3aa4516759379b049bd6b2678ed05 .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .u3cd3aa4516759379b049bd6b2678ed05 .postTitle { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .u3cd3aa4516759379b049bd6b2678ed05:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Criminal Justice Associate Degree Kaplan Graduates Improve the Lives of Women in the Criminal Justice System
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
King Lear and Death of a Salesman Essay - 672 Words
Social pressures change as time passes, therefore it is interesting to see how these three texts whom differ by almost four hundred years perceive society and the effect this has on the protagonists; Shakespeare’s King Lear which was first performed in 1606 during the Jacobean era, presents a patriarchal society. Whilst, Arthur Miller uses the characters in ‘Death of a salesman’ to show the failure of the ‘American dream’ during the â€Å"golden era†of America in the late 40’s. The ‘American Dream’ was a set of ideals which suggested that anyone in the US could be successful through hard work, and had the potential to live a happy life. The sense of the deterioration in the equality of opportunities links to the fall in power and hierarchy in†¦show more content†¦Willy chooses to exaggerate his success in front of his family and even his boss in Act 2, but when he is contradicted â€Å"Now, Willy, you never averag ed...†he still continues on with his faà §ade thus further emphasizing his delusional nature. He teaches his children that they should be â€Å"liked and you will never want,†which implies that for Willy popularity is more important as it is this that will deem how prosperous one is in business as that man â€Å"is the man who gets ahead.†This contradicts the initial ideals of the American dream where you work hard in order to achieve success, and hence could be used by Miller to indicate how futile the concept was as well as how it lead to people conceiving inconceivable dreams - â€Å"He had the wrong dreams†as mentioned by Biff in the requiem. Moreover, throughout the play the upbringing of Biff and Happy can be seen mirroring the childhood of Willy and his older brother Ben. During the requiem, Happy feels it is his duty to avenge his father in a way so â€Å"Willy Loman did not die in vain.†â€Å"Did not†provokes a strong feeling of confidence that he will be the one to make his father proud after his death. Through the play Happy is undermined by his father and seen to be â€Å"second best†to Biff; therefore him claiming to be the one to â€Å"win it for him†could suggest that he’s never overcome this feeling of neglect from his father,Show MoreRelatedShakespeares King Lear and Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman1063 Words  | 4 Pagesproven in looking at both the tragedies of King Lear, by William Shakespeare, and Death of a Salesman, by Arthur Miller. If the proverbs quote was assumed to be true, those who do good and are loving beings would prosper in good fortune, but this is unfortunately almost never the case. 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You may select a work from the list below or another novel or play of comparable literary merit. Alias Grace Middlemarch All the King’s Men Moby-Dick Candide Obasan Death of a Salesman Oedipus Rex Doctor Faustus Orlando Don Quixote A portrait of the Artist as a Young Man A Gesture Life Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead Ghosts The ScarletRead MoreVideo Games : Violence And Mental Health Essay2077 Words  | 9 Pagesincredibly simple ones, enable audience to better connect to the production. These mediums are so similar, in fact, that it is not uncommon for works to cross over from one to another. Few of Shakespeare’s plays don’t have movie adaptations, while Death of a Salesman and The Importance of Being Earnest are also quite recognizable. Indiana Jones, Star Wars, and Mortal Kombat have all enjoyed success on both game consoles and the silver screen. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cirque Du Soleil Free Essays
From a group of 20 street performers at its beginnings in 1984, Cirque du Soleil is a major Quebec-based organization providing high-quality artistic entertainment. The company has 5,000 employees, including more than 1,300 artists from more than 50 different countries. Cirque du Soleil has brought wonder and delight to more than 100 million spectators in more than 300 cities in over forty countries on six continents. We will write a custom essay sample on Cirque Du Soleil or any similar topic only for you Order Now For more information about Cirque du Soleil, visit www. cirquedusoleil. com. The mission The mission of Cirque du Soleil is to invoke the imagination, provoke the senses and evoke the emotions of people around the world. The Creation of Cirque du Soleil It all started in Baie-Saint-Paul, a small town near Quebec City in Canada. There, in the early eighties, a band of colourful characters roamed the streets, striding on stilts, juggling, dancing, breathing fire, and playing music. They were Les Echassiers de Baie-Saint-Paul (the Baie-SaintPaul Stiltwalkers), a street theatre group founded by Gilles Ste-Croix. Already, the townsfolk were impressed and intrigued by the young performers – including Guy Laliberte who founded Cirque du Soleil. The troupe went on to found Le Club des talons hauts (the High Heels Club), and then, in 1982, organized La Fete foraine de Baie-Saint-Paul, a cultural event in which street performers from all over met to exchange ideas and enliven the streets of the town for a few days. La Fete foraine was repeated in 1983 and 1984. Le Club des talons hauts attracted notice, and Guy Laliberte, Gilles Ste-Croix and their cronies began to cherish a crazy dream: to create a Quebec circus and take the troupe travelling around the world. In 1984, Quebec City was celebrating the 450th anniversary of Canada’s discovery by Jacques Cartier, and they needed a show that would carry the festivities out across the province. Guy Laliberte presented a proposal for a show called Cirque du Soleil (Circus of the Sun), and succeeded in convincing the organizers. And Cirque du Soleil hasn’t stopped since! In 1984, 73 people worked for Cirque du Soleil. Today, the company hires 5,000 employees worldwide, including more than 1,300 artists. At the Montreal International Headquarters alone, there are close to 2,000 employees. More than 100 types of occupations can be found at Cirque. The company’s employees and artists represent more than 50 nationalities and speak 25 different languages. More than 100 million spectators have seen a Cirque du Soleil show since 1984. Close to 15 million people will see a Cirque du Soleil show in 2013. Cirque du Soleil hasn’t received any grants from the public or private sectors since 1992. Cirque du Soleil’s Areas of Activity In 2013, Cirque du Soleil will present simultaneously some 20 different shows around the world. Its challenge is to continue to grow while offering its creators the freedom to dream the wildest dreams and make them come true. The heart of Cirque du Soleil’s activity remains creating live shows and presenting them under big tops or in theatres. Since 1984 close to 200 creators from the four corners of the globe have contributed their talents to this end. In the past few years Cirque du Soleil has been developing business initiatives based on its shows. a. Cirque du Soleil has acquired extensive experience in organizing unforgettable private gatherings as well as major public events (World Exposition Shanghai 2010, Expo Zaragoza 2008, the show-event for the 400th anniversary of Quebec City). For the past few years the Cirque du Soleil Events team has brought its creativity to a most discriminating clientele with the same energy and spirit that characterizes each of the company’s shows. Cirque du Soleil is offering a full range of products for retail sale under the Big Top, at resident show boutiques and on the Internet. The company is seeking reliable partners to design, develop, market and distribute unique products which will bring â€Å"artful living†into the daily lives of Cirque du Soleil aficionados. Cirque du Soleil also develops licensing agreements with partners wishing to market products and services that leverage Cirque du Soleil’s creativity in areas as diverse as hospitality (restaurants, bars, spas, etc. and fashion (Desigual). c. In December 2012, Cirque du Soleil and Bell Media created a new joint venture to develop media content for television, film, digital, and gaming platforms. Cirque du Soleil Media’s mandate is to develop original entertainment projects, leveraging Cirque du Soleil’s creative inventiveness and resources, consumer insight, and infrastructure, with Bell Media’s production experience, media pla tforms, and diverse distribution capabilities. How to cite Cirque Du Soleil, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Essay a Call for Independence free essay sample
Through the years before the Declaration of Independence, the colonists were not treated properly. They deserved their independence. The colonists have gone through a lot of trouble and I believe it was justified for them to have independence. They have gone through the Tea Act, Sugar Act, and other Townsend Acts. I will be including my opinion about what I believe to be the strongest grievance in the grievance In the Declaration of Independence is, the events leading up to it, and evidence from another British colony.I think the strongest grievance in the Declaration of Independence is: For imposing taxes on us without our consent. This always causes problems within the public and the colonists. By doing that, it caused problems in the economy. Then the parliament expected them to help pay the costs Of the French and the Indian War. The colonists were also forced to buy English products because there were high taxes on the French and Dutch goods. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay: a Call for Independence or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There were many events leading up to the Declaration of Independence. The Sugar Act in 1 764 didnt affect colonists outside of the traders and merchants. Although, this was an injustice that the colonists suffered. The Tea Act caused a lot of the colonists to lose their money and their jobs. There were also other Townsend Acts, like the Boston Tea Party, Taxation without representation. In 1775, the first battles between the British and the colonists occurred at Lexington and Concord.Also in 1776, Thomas Paine created a pamphlet titled Common Sense. This was focused on the frustration towards King George Ill. Another British colony that was treated unfair was India. Just like the colonists in the 13 colonies suffered, the colonists in India also suffered. The poor people were treated like slaves and the rich people were treated like Kings and Queens. They took into their control the major artifacts. They didnt return to their independence until India was free.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
9 consejos a turistas para comprar vivienda en EEUU
9 consejos a turistas para comprar vivienda en EEUU Si est pensando en comprar una vivienda en Estados Unidos pero le preocupa porque tiene estatus de turista, bien porque ha ingresado con una visa de esa categorà a o bien sin visa, por ser ciudadano de un paà s incluido en el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados, tiene que saber que no sà ³lo es posible sino que es relativamente fcil.  En este artà culo se resuelven las dudas ms frecuentes, desde tipo de propiedad a cà ³mo financiar la compra y cà ³mo entender correctamente las opciones migratorias reales para obtener una tarjeta de residencia permanente en Estados Unidos por inversià ³n en un bien raà z. 1.- ¿Quà © tipo de inmuebles se pueden comprar en EE.UU. con estatus de turista? Casas, fincas rà ºsticas y condominios, conocidos estos à ºltimos popularmente como condos. En cuando a los apartamentos en rà ©gimen de co-ops, es ms complicado adquirirlos, a menos que se trate de cooperativas que se administran siguiendo reglas de los condos. La razà ³n del problema radica en que para comprar un co-op es necesario, como regla general, tener los ingresos y la mayorà a del patrimonio en Estados Unidos, requisito que no se da en la mayorà a de los casos de turistas extranjeros temporalmente en el paà s. 2.- ¿Se necesita tener todo el dinero en efectivo o asegurar financiacià ³n en el paà s de origen? No, ni lo uno ni lo otro. Los bancos de Estados Unidos pueden financiar siempre y cuando se adelante un porcentaje importante en concepto de pago inicial, conocido en inglà ©s como down payment. El porcentaje puede variar de banco a banco y, tambià ©n, de estado a estado. Por ejemplo, en la ciudad de Nueva York puede ser necesario abonar el 30 por ciento, en Miami el 50 y en zonas de Texas entre el 25 y el 30 por ciento pero estas cantidades pueden variar segà ºn las circunstancias de cada caso. Adems, los bancos que financian suelen exigir garantà as adicionales como un depà ³sito suficiente para cubrir todos los pagos de la hipoteca de un aà ±o, ms seguros y gastos del inmueble. Tambià ©n se debe tener en cuenta que dentro de Estados Unidos hay una gran diferencia entre estados en lo que se paga como impuesto a las ventas de bienes y servicios e incluso condados y municipalidades. Este es un dato importante ya que puede suponer un importante gasto con el que no se contaba. 3.- ¿Cul es la mejor forma de encontrar una vivienda para comprar? Contratando a un agente inmobiliario, conocido en inglà ©s como broker. La gran ventaja para el comprador es que no va a pagarle por sus servicios ya que la comisià ³n corre de cuenta del vendedor. Si à ©ste cuenta con su propio broker, en el momento de la venta los dos agentes se dividirn entre ellos las ganancias por sus servicios de intermediario. Adems, si necesitas financiacià ³n el broker puede ponerte en contacto con el banco con el que habitualmente trabajan. 4.- ¿Cunto tiempo puede demorarse la tramitacià ³n de la compra? Una vez que has encontrado el inmueble que deseas comprar, la tramitacià ³n del cierre de la operacià ³n puede hacerse en tan poco como 30 dà as. No es necesario estar presente en Estados Unidos durante toda la tramitacià ³n, ya que puedes otorgar un poder notarial, conocido en inglà ©s como power of attorney, a un representante. 5.- ¿Puede girarse todo el dinero que quiera a EEE.UU. para comprar bienes raà ces? Desde el punto de vista de USA, sà . Si bien las autoridades estudian la procedencia y legalidad del dinero. Adems, debe cumplirse con todas las obligaciones impuestas por el paà s de origen del comprador para transferencias internacionales de dinero y pago de impuestos. 6.- ¿Hay que pagar impuestos por la propiedad que se compra en Estados Unidos? Si se vende y se gana con la operacià ³n, hay que pagar el impuesto correspondiente. En cuanto al porcentaje va a depender del tipo de acuerdo fiscal entre el paà s del comprador y Estados Unidos, si es que hay alguno firmado. Tambià ©n es posible no pagar si con la venta se financia la compra de una nueva propiedad. Por el contrario, si la vivienda se dedica a alquiler, es necesario declarar impuestos anualmente en la forma de income tax en EE.UU. Para ello, si no se tiene un Nà ºmero del Seguro Social emitido por las autoridades de Estados Unidos, debe sacarse un nà ºmero fiscal que se conoce como un ITIN. Es conveniente informarse con un fiscalista porque si se est pagando hipoteca es posible que no exista la obligacià ³n de pagar durante al menos los diez primeros aà ±os siguientes a la compra. En todo caso, aunque no existiera la obligacià ³n de pagar, sà que hay la de hacer la declaracià ³n de impuestos y presentarla anualmente el 15 de abril o antes. 7.- ¿Por quà © es recomendable crear una sociedad que figure como propietaria del inmueble? Para evitar pagar impuesto de sucesià ³n cuando fallece el propietario de la vivienda, que puede ser muy alto. Pero si el propietario es una LLC, es decir, una sociedad limitada, de la que se es accionista junto con una Corporacià ³n Extranjera, en inglà ©s conocida como Foreign Corporation, entonces despuà ©s del fallecimiento del propietario los herederos no tienen que pagar nada por recibir ese inmueble. Es muy conveniente tratar este asunto con un abogado especialista en este tipo de asuntos. 8.- ¿Puede obtenerse la tarjeta de residencia por comprar una propiedad en EE.UU.? No, la compra de un inmueble, aunque sea muy caro, no est contemplado en la actualidad como uno de los caminos para obtener la residencia permanente, tambià ©n conocida como green card o tarjeta verde. Sin embargo, sà que es posible sacar la green card con una inversià ³n a travà ©s del programa EB-5, pero implica muchas ms cosas y no una simple compra de uno o varios inmuebles, por muy caros que estos sean. Tampoco sirve una mera inversià ³n inmobiliaria como base para poder solicitar con à ©xito la visa E-2 de inversià ³n. Sin embargo, si se convierte en negocio a dicha inversià ³n, entonces podrà a servir. En todo caso, los turistas que son propietarios de una vivienda en Estados Unidos no pueden trabajar ni permanecer continuamente en Estados Unidos y deben respetar su condicià ³n migratoria para evitar una cancelacià ³n de la visa. Por ejemplo, no se puede ser una carga pà ºblica. Eso quiere decir, entre otras cosas, que hay que pagar las facturas mà ©dicas y no enviar a los hijos con una visa de turista a estudiar a una escuela de primaria o secundaria pà ºblica. Si desean estudiar, deben obtener una visa F-1 de estudiante. Estar en Estados Unidos con la visa incorrecta puede dar lugar a la revocacià ³n de la que se tiene e, incluso, a la cancelacià ³n de la visa de los padres que consienten una violacià ³n migratoria. 9.-Origen de los extranjeros que compran propiedades en Estados Unidos En un sà ³lo aà ±o, los turistas extranjeros invirtieron $82,5 billones (mil millones) en propiedades en Estados Unidos, comprando, principalmente,  en los estados de Florida, California, Nueva York, Texas y Arizona. Los extranjeros que efectuaron ms compras fueron los canadienses, que prefieren comprar en Arizona y Texas, seguidos de los chinos, si bien los rusos son los que hacen las compras ms caras. Argentinos, colombianos, venezolanos y brasileà ±os destacan tambià ©n entre los grandes compradores, siendo Florida el estado donde ms invierten. Consejos para disfrutar Estados Unidos como turista Estados Unidos es el segundo paà s del mundo que recibe ms turistas, sà ³lo sobrepasado por Francia. Sin embargo, es el paà s donde los turistas gastan ms dinero en compras. Para los turistas que disfrutan comprando ropa y accesorios de marca, las sample sales para comprar a precios rebajados en Nueva York son un destino a tener en cuenta. Por el contrario, para los que quieren disfrutar de las grandes atracciones de Estados Unidos, estas son las 10 ms visitadas. De interà ©s migratorio para todos los turistas Estas 20 causas que pueden dar lugar a que la visa no se apruebe o no se renueve e, incluso, a que al llegar al control migratorio sirven de base para que el oficial de Inmigracià ³n niegue el ingreso del turista extranjero a los Estados Unidos. Desde el punto de vista migratorio, el principal consejo es evitar problemas. Para ello se recomienda tomar este test de respuestas mà ºltiples. Frecuentemente, los grandes problemas migratorios y en el paso de aduanas tienen su origen en ignorancias pequeà ±as. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Child Labor Laws Essay Example
Child Labor Laws Essay Example Child Labor Laws Essay Child Labor Laws Essay there was a tendency to portray the working child on the family farm. These labor issues were r not clearly recognized and since it was done without pay for parents the government saw no reason to step in. They also saw their work as healthy and some form of play in the countryside. â€Å"Moreover, as a further reflection of this view as well as of the political strength of the farming interests, most child labor statutes are less strictly applied in agriculture than in other sectors of the economy. 5†When questioning the U. S. unemployment statistics is nothing new to labor economists. Current definitions for why children would be working include unemployed which are those â€Å"who are actively seeking work or who have been laid off†5. Other ways to look at these issues is though court cases. There was a Plaintiff, Malians who alleged that she was forced to labor on cocoa fields in Cote dIvoire. She was stating that she was treated unfairly and work too much under the international laws of labor. The manufacturers of this case filed a motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim. There were not enough facts to prove the case. The court granted the manufacturers motion to dismiss with leave to amend6. In another case the court again went to the issue of parental rights in Prince v. Massachusetts, supra, when a woman took her niece to sell religious literature on the streets of Boston. This case talking about women who had custody of niece but still made the child work at a young age. The woman was convicted for violating a child labor law. â€Å"Prince, 321 U. S. at 160-61. 7†At the end of this Court they concluded that the states interest in prohibiting child labor beat the custodial rights on the women. They did caution that it’s a â€Å"ruling not to extend beyond the facts the case presented. 7. | There was a question presented in a journal article I read. â€Å"Can labor rights advocates use an old law to protect young workers? †The answer was that â€Å"Alien Tort Statute (ATS) was passed by Congress as part of the Judiciary Act of 1789 to ease international trade tensions†8. That article explains who ATS began and explains its viability. Now over 200 years later this statute still address international child labor rights violations. Over the last three decades, human rights advocates have used the ATS as bulls eye to bring att ention to international human rights abuses and find solutions for alien tort victims. â€Å"A number of scholars have written about enforcing internationally-recognized labor rights through the ATS†8. In 2004, the U. S. Supreme Court looked to the ATS for the first time in Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain case. After Sosa case, claims brought to the ATS must implicate the norms that are universally accepted, and must specific, and concrete. The Sosa Courts discussion of how viable â€Å"ATS claims limits the potential claims labor rights advocates may pursue in court. 8†Moreover, the International Labour Organizations (ILO) recently shifted its focus to the cement international agreement on â€Å"core rights and condemnation of the worst forms of child labor in past years. Many bolsters take the claim of universal agreement on the basis labor rights. Scholars debate the effectiveness of narrowing international labor rights to a few core rights,8 but the recent agreements establish sufficient international support of a cause of action under ATS for the worst forms of child labor. 8 Now that there are powerful nation that enforces actions for child labor violations, people must think about what international efforts are effective to support and improve childrens lives. The dynamics of the world’s marketplace and the inherent limitations of a universal rights strategy, human rights advocates should use ATS as one part of the fight to end international child labor abuses. In conclusion, as I read through the articles I found, I realized child labor was a really big issue bad in the earlier centuries. In our new global market child labor issues are not limited to one nation. That is why the International Labour Organization and the Alien Tort Statute were passed and form. We as a global nation need to protect our children. As our economy gets bigger we will find that the aspect of our kids work may happen. There are ways that we American can protect against child labor. Unions groups are increasingly seeing the connections between worker rights and the fight against child labor. When recognizing child labor as a violation of childrens and workers rights, trade unions join together with families and community organizations to fight child labor and them the move children out of work and into school standards. History should us that good unions are important protecting against child labor. Especially when parents are not able to improve living conditions for their children. There are many companies and unions in the U. S. and other countries that are supporting efforts to end child labor by making alliances with unions in other countries. These alliances work to get enforceable global labor standards, such as â€Å"ILO Convention 182, and hold transnational companies accountable for labor practices†4. Some of the thing there countries are doing to stop child labor are, when the 2000 Olympics were held in Sydney, Australia, the â€Å"Australian labor federations created and signed an agreement with the Olympic organizing committee requiring all sponsors and licensees to adhere to minimum labor standards, including international conventions on child labor†4. The pressure from human rights activist, consumers, and international trade unions led the group overseeing the World Cup FIFA- Federation International de Football Association which adopted a Code in 1998 stating it would cease using soccer balls made with child labor4. That year, when reports said that children were still working in the soccer ball industry and that adult workers were not even being paid a living wage4, many activists launched a new publicity and letter-writing campaign, they were mobilizing soccer fans from all over, consumers, and politicians to demand FIFA improve factory monitoring and live up to the promises in its Code4. They activist wanted to see change in the factory or they would continue protesting and they would find some way to help the children in the factories. | End Notes 1. Corlett, Celeste. Impact of the 2000 Child Labor Treaty on United States Child Laborers. 19. 2 (2002): 1-27. 2. Moskowitz, Seymour. SAVE THE CHILDREN: THE LEGAL ABANDONMENT OF AMERICAN YOUTH IN THE WORKPLACE. 43. 107 (2010). Copyright (c) 2010 Akron Law Review. 3. Child Labor in U. S. History The Child Labor Education Project. Division of Continuing Education The University of Iowa. Web. 12 Apr. 2011. continuetolearn. uiowa. edu/laborctr/ch ild_labor/about/us_history. html. 4. Jonassen, Frederick B. A Baby-Step to Global Labor Reform: Corporate Codes of Conduct and the Child. Corporate Codes of Conduct and the Child 2008. Print. 5. Mitchell, Daniel J. B. ,
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Extra Credit Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Extra Credit - Assignment Example From this I learnt that Cultural background are inherited and developed which in return forms a collective and individual behavior that are socially acceptable or not (Tierney & Stephen, 65). These issues that are developed may be based on values, traditions, dangerous mitigations such as threat of an individual or public health or even knowledge availability. From this, I learnt that the cultural background is the major determinant of variance in cultures in different communities. In addition, I realized that human activities are the major factors that influence and have high impact on the development of cultural capacities. This is based on the fact cultural drivers are education and learning, art and heritage activities, architecture, urban and land shaping, information and amusement, structured occasions for social interactions, regulations of social behaviors such as marriage (Tierney & Stephen, 57 ). Having understood this, I am now able to appreciate diverse backgrounds and value their cultures and norms. Commemoration, whether involving, only you or your family can be very good as it brings people together. Often these events are very important such that we take pictures or souvenirs that will remind us of these events. One of the events that I can recall is a visit to the some archeological monument in our landscape. From my studies, on these monuments I found that there representations that were commemorated events of people. Among the monuments visited include the Drombeg Stone Circle in West. From my findings this is associated with the winter season that manifest a major incident in the ancient winter calendar and more so a burial indicator (Caisse Nationale des Monuments Historiques, 87-91) This was interesting as it had two hut sites and cooking site. Besides it there were stone circles that could signified a ritual dining site where large number of people met to mark winter season and celebrate
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Igor Stravinsky Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Igor Stravinsky - Essay Example Stravinsky left Russia for the first time in 1910, going to Paris to attend the premiere of his ballet L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird) (Craft 20). During his stay in the city, he composed three major works for the Ballets Russes-L'oiseau de feu, Petrushka (1911), and Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring) (1913). Eventually Stravinsky's music was noticed by Serge Diaghilev, the director of the Ballets Russes in Paris. He commissioned Stravinsky to write a ballet for his theater; so in 1911, Stravinsky traveled to Paris. That ballet ended up being the famous L'Oiseau de Feu. However, because of World War I and the October Revolution in Russia he moved to Switzerland in 1914. The first of Stravinsky's major stylistic periods (excluding some early minor works) was inaugurated by the three ballets he composed for Diaghilev. The ballets have several shared characteristics: they are scored for extremely large orchestras; they use Russian folk themes and motifs; and they bear the mark of Rimsky-Korsakov's imaginative scoring and instrumentation. The first of the ballets, L'oiseau de feu, is notable for its unusual introduction (triplets in the low basses) and sweeping orchestration. Petrushka, too, is distinctively scored and the first of Stravinsky's ballets to draw on folk mythology. But it is the third ballet, The Rite of Spring that is generally considered the apotheosis of Stravinsky's "Russian Period" (Hill 45-46). Other pieces from this period include: Renard (1916), Histoire du soldat (A Soldier's Tale) (1918), and Les Noces (The Wedding) (1923).The next phase of Stravinsky's compositional style, slightly overlapping the first, is marked by two works: Pulcinella 1920 and the Octet (1923) for wind instruments. Both of these works feature what was to become a hallmark of this period; that is, Stravinsky's return, or "looking back", to the classical music of Mozart and Bach and their contemporaries. This "neo-classical" style involved the abandonment of the large orchestras demanded by the ballets. In these new works, written roughly between 1920 and 1950, Stravinsky turns largely to wind instruments, the piano, and choral and chamber works. Some larger works from this period are the three symphonies: the Symphonie des Psaumes (Symphony of Psalms) (1930), Symphony in C (1940) and Symphony in Three Movements (1945). The pinnacle of this period is the opera The Rake's Progress completed in 1951. This opera, written to a libretto by Auden and based on the etchings of Hogarth, encapsulates everything that Stravinsky had perfected in the previous 20 years of his neo-classic period. The music is direct but quirky; it borrows from classic tonal harmony but also interjects surprising dissonances; it features Stravinsky's trademark off-rhythms; and it harkens back to the operas and themes of Monteverdi, Gluck and Mozart. The Serialist, or Twelve Tone Period Stravinsky first began to dabble in the twelve tone technique in smaller vocal works such as the Cantata (1952), Three Songs from Shakespeare (1953) and In Memoriam Dylan Thomas (1954), as if he were testing the system. He later began
Monday, January 27, 2020
Introduction to Alcohol Addiction Theories
Introduction to Alcohol Addiction Theories Alcohol Addiction Addiction in general, though this paper will focus on alcohol specifically, is characterized by a chronic relapse state that embodies key elements, such as the compulsion to seek out and use the drug, the inability to control the amount used, and a negative emotional state when the substance cannot be accessed (Gilpin and Koob, 2008). Alcohol consumption evolves from impulsive to compulsive through repeated binging, withdrawal, and craving cycles, which cause neuroadaptations (Cui et al., 2013; Koob, 2013). Research on the neurobiology of addiction has focused on the positive reinforcing effects and the activation of the mesocorticolimbic dopamine circuit being the sole motivator. The mesolimbic system (the primary reward circuit) projects from the ventral tegmental area (VTA) to the nucleus accumbens (NAcc) and utilizes dopamine as its main neurotransmitter (Gilpin and Koob 2008). This circuit helps shape incentive salience, better known as the wanting or desire for alcohol (Robinson Berridge, 1993; Berridge, 2007). Oral ethanol self-administration is reduced by the administration of dopamine and NMDA receptor antagonists into the nucleus accumbens (Rassnick 1992). Weiss et al measured dopamine levels in the extracellular fluid of the NAcc and showed alcohol ingestion or even the anticipation of alcohol causes an increase in dopamine (Weiss et al. 1993). However, Rassnick also demonstrated that positive reinforcement alone does not motivate alcohol consumption while using a 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-induced lesions of the mesolimbic dopamine system did not block alcohol self administration (Rassnick et al. 1993). Even in the presence of administered methylphenidate, subjects experiencing alcohol withdrawal show lowered levels of dopamine by 50-70%, as compared to controls; withdrawal causes decreases in dopamine function and the neuroadaptations that lead to a hypodopaminergic state during withdrawal (Karkhanis 2015 CIE ethanol exposure reduces presynaptic DOPAMINE NEUROTRANSMISSION IN THE MOUSE NUCLEUS ACCUMBENS; Volkow et al. 2007 Profound decreases in dopamine release in striatum in detoxified alcoholics: possible orbitofrontal involvement.). In the early stages of alcohol use and abuse, positive reinforcement acts as the main motivating factor in alcohol-drinking behavior. However, at some point chronic alcohol exposure causes a shift from alcohol use to alcohol dependence that parallels the switch from positive reinforcement to a mixture of both positive and negative as the motivating factor behind alcohol use; this is caused by neural changes, or plasticity, that chronic alcohol exposure elicits (Gilpin and Koob, 2008). There are three widely recognized stages of alcohol use that overlap and ultimately contribute to the progressive transition from alcohol use to alcohol dependence. They are: 1) binge and intoxication, 2) withdrawal and negative affect, and 3) pre-occupation and anticipation, better known as craving (Volkow et al., 2016). Neuroadaptations within the addiction circuitry and the progressive transition from alcohol use to dependence hinge on the repeated cycling of these three stages. Three phenomena contribute to the progression of alcohol use disorders and the shift from positive reinforcement to both positive and negative reinforcement as motivators for alcohol use. They are sensitization, tolerance, and withdrawal. Drug sensitization, which is the opposite of tolerance, refers to the individuals increased stimulus that occurs when the same amount of substance is taken as before; this leads to the cue-induced craving. When it takes more alcohol to achieve the same level of intoxication, as a smaller amount used to, then the subject has developed a tolerance. Withdrawal is the outward presentation of neural changes and happens when adverse effects occur in the absence of the substance, such as insomnia, delirium tremors, anxiety, and seizures. As these elements of addiction repeat, the disease progresses and spirals more out of control (Gilpin 2008)
Sunday, January 19, 2020
A Short Essay About Cancer
Short Essay on Cancer Cancer is defined as the unwanted growth of cells in any part of the body. There are various reasons that lead to development of cancerous growths in the body. There can be various reasons that lead to cancerous growths in the body. Genetic predisposition and environmental factors together play an important role. Genetic constitution of the body is something that cannot be dealt with. But controlling the external environmental factors is in one’s hands.Active or passive smoking is one of the biggest causes that results in development of various cancers in the body. In a health study it has been evidently shown that about 30% of the deaths due to lung cancers were those of who either smoke actively or are exposed to passive smoking. This data is proof enough to describe the serious complications of smoking. Besides, it is not just the lung tissue that is affected by smoking. Carcinoma of oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, kidney, pancreas and other systemic org ans of he body are evident. More than 6000 substances are released during smoking. Out of which 70 chemicals are known to act as carcinogens. These chemicals settle down in the lining of air ways and adversely affect the basic unit of respiration- the alveoli. Tobacco which is the main ingredient of smoking also leads to carcinoma of the oral cavity. The internal mucosa is severely damaged and continuous exposure leads to irreparable damage. A smoker is four times at a higher risk of developing mouth cancer as compared to non- smoker.The commonly affected areas are beneath the tongue and lips in the oral cavity. The vital organs of the body like liver, kidney, pancreas, colon and rectum also develop the risk of development of carcinomatous growth. Women who smoke also suffer a chance of developing breast cancer besides the above stated types. Higher incidences of cervical cancer have been noticed in women who smoke. According to researchers, 1 out 5 heavy smokers will die of lung ca ncer. The ratio for moderate smokers declines to 1 in 10 persons.Another alarming case is that among all the lung cancer patients only 0. 5% persons are non-smokers. The rest of the cases had a history of smoking. Lung cancer is one of the commonest types of cancer that lead to death in maximum number of patients throughout the world. In the advanced stage of disease other distant organs of the body are also affected and result in severe complications. Eventually the whole physiological system of the body collapses. Besides cancer smoking leads to various other grave medical diseases. Affecting the functioning of heart, viz.Coronary thrombosis; affecting the eye sight and predisposition to cataracts and macular degeneration and eventually vision loss; and brain in cases like cerebral thrombosis; smoking poses a threat to the whole physiological system of the body. Quitting smoking dramatically improvises the medical health of the individual. Though, the risk of developing cancer is higher than those persons who have never smoked. But by following an active life and eating healthy food and above all abstaining from smoking, one can substantially lower down his/ her chances of developing cancer.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Why People Commit a Crime?
It was often asked and researched throughout the years of why people commit a crime. As the opposed question came about, theorist came out with their theories of why people commit a crime. I believe people commit crime because they are learning it from the influences in their life and because the person or persons is a very important aspect in their lives it leads to the process of why people commit a crime. This connects to Sutherland's theory of Differential Association, but while it does connect to Sutherland's theory this paper will focus on the social learning theory that Aker mentions and has further research of the subject of crime. Micro-Level Learning theory has been advanced by many theorist over the years such as the theorist Sutherland. If I were to test the theory of social learning, specifically micro-level learning theory I would examine the relationships with peers preferably intimate relationships with friends and family. Only then when viewing the intimate relationships, I would see the person learn the techniques of committing crime and what's considered in the text â€Å"definitions†. When mentioning â€Å"definitions†it's what is favorable and unfavorable toward violation of the law. Now, for the theory to be accurate I have to find things that support or amongst the search if it undermines the theory at hand. The theory had one major concern that undermines the accuracy of the theory. The theory does not give a good description of the favorable and unfavorable to crime. It was because that the description of the theory was first described by Sutherland than a few others, until it lead to Akers. There has been many theorists who tried to define the definitions more precisely. It was treated as different theories, but the main one I want to focus on is the social learning theory. Since there has been many theorist who focused for example, control theory it became difficult to find the theory that is more acceptable. Another concern that was mentioned was that the theory failed to describe the process of how crime is learned. Akers did however, did draw from psychology to get a better aspect of the behavior and the social learning process. The process comes in three steps as said by Akers. First, an individual learn beliefs that define crime as desirable or justifiable. He goes more in depth saying these beliefs lead to crime. The second process is that people engage in crime because are reinforced into that situation, meaning it could be peer pressure (a negative reinforcement) or the individual could receive a reward for participating in the crime. The last process is that people imitate the criminal behavior of others, which is the intimate relationship the individual has with them. The process of learning crime as shown through most studies which shows that associating with family and/or friends that exhibit criminal behavior, comes out more often throughout most of the studies. This was taken as a strong evidence to support the social learning theory, however, even though it had the correlation numerous researchers argued against it. The researchers argued that the correlation doesn't mean that the association with criminal family or friends cause criminal behavior in the individual. Even saying that as well there has been strong support to back up the social learning theory. It is said that the origin of the support stems from research solely based off of experiments being conducted such as surveys or field work studies. From all the information that has been researched and conducted has shown the support of the theory and also the facts that undermine the theory. If I were to make the theory more accurate I would say that an individual associating themselves with a delinquent family member influences the individual to commit or take part in criminal activities. This combined theory now becomes more accurate to the research that has been conducted by the theorists. The theory itself needs a lot more research that needs to be conducted, but with the improved version of the theory will lead to a more stronger support of the social learning theory.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Police Officer And The Criminal Justice System Essay
When you hear the words ‘police officer’, what is the first thing that comes to mind? The people that protect us from the bad guys, right? Well, that might be the stereotypical answer, but is that really what we all think? Most would agree that in today s society, the words do not have the same positive correlation anymore. It is actually almost the complete opposite. Police officers and others in the criminal justice system have created a poor reputation for themselves from the actions they have taken. Crooked cops seem to be the headliners of countless news stories. Now, that is not to say there are not any stories of people of the law doing their jobs to the best of their abilities, but lately, those stories are like finding a needle in a haystack, abnormal. It is not hard to search for a story on a legal personalities questionable conduct. Now, here s something to think of: if these are the people that know the ins and outs of the law and are put in their positions t o help protect us, why does it seem like us citizens are the victims of their actions in a greater part of these stories? How are we supposed to put our trust in these so-called notable people if they are the ones putting us in danger? The people within our criminal justice system are corrupt by brutality, drugs, money, and just overall abusing their powers. What is corruption? Corruption. What is corruption? Corruption is dishonest or illegal behavior by powerful people, such as government officialsShow MoreRelatedPolice Officers And The Criminal Justice System1506 Words  | 7 PagesIt seems as if all you hear in the news today is tragic deaths involving unarmed black men and white â€Å"trigger-happy†police officers. But is that really the case? Is this a race thing? The media has hand-picked the leading stories to share with you. 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