Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Benefits of Creative College Essay Topics
The Benefits of Creative College Essay Topics If it's possible to write a really convincing piece on a real-world application utilizing unique facts and research, then your likelihood of receiving admission to a top level university will surely grow! College is an intellectual place so attempt to convince the board that you're the perfect person in their opinion. After all, admissions officers are essentially just people who you would like to get to know you. An admissions officer is significantly more likely to keep in mind an applicant who has a rather specific essay written in a distinctive and quirky way. Ensure you give clear explanations of the things on your list also. Don't neglect to confirm the access to resources the topics that you consider. Before you begin it's important to pick topics that you understand properly. Take notes concerning all possible topics you are able to consider. It's possible for you to write a very simple essay on the suitable age to vote or suitable age to be in a position to purchase alcohol. Every section is distinctive and quintessential. Attempt to consider what age is excellent for students to date with one another. Nobody's actually interested why you've had bad grades for a couple semesters. Argumentative essay issues are much indeed crucial as they've been debatableaand it truly is critical to all times be seriously thinking about the world. Nowadays you own a list of possible topics, but probably no clue where to begin. Doing this can save you a bit of time and allow you to concentrate on a few really great essays as opposed to a lo t of mediocre ones. There's, naturally, a limit on the range of pages even our very best writers can produce with a pressing deadline, but generally, we can satisfy all the clients seeking urgent assistance. In that case, try taking a look at the next section and seeing in the event you can't locate a different method to approach it. You shouldn't write about the exact same topic you used for your private statement, even though it's fine to speak about something similar, so long as you adopt a clearly various angle. There's A critical situation to decide on the suitable topic that it's very likely to cover. If you wish to begin your essay having a more overall description of what you will be discussing, it's still true that you must ensure it is specific and unique enough to stand out. To do this, you need to establish what specifically you're focusing on and the way you'll structure your essay. There are a lot of essays and students ought to know all them and everything associated with academic assi gnments, among the typical and intriguing essay types is a creative essay. So without further ado, below are some effective writing tips to create your common app essay stick out! You're predicted to provide the clue-giving maturation of your story. Do not count on some random topic to compose your college essay about, your success is dependent on the manner in which you cover the topic which you choose. Attempt to set your story to ensure it is engaging and informative from the beginning. Still, you must make your topic more specific. Second, talk what you shouldn't do instead of what has to be carried out. Your essay is the opportunity to invigorate your application. For creative writing essays, you should find something more than only a huge interest in your topic. If, on the flip side, you have more than 1 idea you love, consider whether any of them may be used for different essays you have to write. Moral argumentative essay issues are some of the simplest. Creative essay writing is about combining imagination with experience write a story which has an intriguing plot in addition to a compelling path. Selecting essay themes has a whole lot of tact. The essay is just one of the big approaches you are able to distinguish yourself. Always bear in mind an ideal persuasive essay ought to be persuasive. You've got to learn more about the issue. Therefore, you've got to come across enough substantial evidence for the specific topic. Obviously, you might select any topic, nobody could possibly know that you're describing experience that you never actually had, but don't forget that it is always simpler to tell the truth than to invent lies. In case you decide you must chat about one of the cliche essay topics mentioned previously, a great approach to tell a more prevalent story is to concentrate on one specific moment and build from that point.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Kant Theory of Moral and Ethics - 1948 Words
I. Introduction. Philosophy plays an important role not only in modern society, but also in society as a whole. As we know philosophy can be represented as the science of contrast of different views and thoughts. Philosophers present their point of view, concerning for example, ethics, life, world outlook, and the rest of society and must choose the most suitable idea. As proven, without dispute and disagreements the philosophy couldn’t rise to such a high level at where it is today. Hence, the philosophy and ethics are interrelated whereas ethics is one of the oldest philosophical disciplines which are the object of morality. Every philosophy has been asking the issue about the class structure of society, the principles of morality,†¦show more content†¦(Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 2004) III. Evaluation of Kant’s theory. Many specialists of business ethics apply Kantian categorical imperative as moral right for different approach to problem of business life. Comparing with utilitarianism the Kantian approach focused on internal motives of action, for example the loss of confidence in each other, the social disintegration and distortion of communication between people can happen because of lie that became general activity. But it is able to challenge the conclusions of Kant on the grounds that a lie is very common, and societies nevertheless do not fall. But it should take into account about development perspective of such relations. Indeed, one of the main problems in business ethics is that people are too easy to invent the most incredible permissible justification for them something that is not permitted to others. (Bowie n.d.) There have some example where company M in 1992 sent set of fertilizer to Bangladesh and worker who wanted to increase the yield contributed the fertilizer to their fields. Unfortunately, the bags labeled ‘fertilizer’ which containing the lead and cadmium dust was danger to health. In all probability the company M violated the several human rights. The company knew that delivered in Bangladesh goods would endanger the lives of people and animals. The company not only marked the goods as fertilizers, but also additionallyShow MoreRelatedKant s Moral Theory And Ethics1407 Words  | 6 Pagesname of Immanuel Kant introduced the third major ethical philosophy, Deontology. The basis behind Deontology is that people are duty bound to act morally by certain standards despite the outcome. Determining whether a person’s actions are morally right involves look at the intent of the actions. Like other ethic theories, Deontologist applies the golden rule of treating oth er people the way you would want them to treat you. Deontology can be broken down into three different theories: agent-centeredRead MoreMorality via Kant and Hegel1712 Words  | 7 Pages1. Introduction Human beings have moral inclinations that affect our actions. Few would deny as a fact of human life a perpe-tual strive to do right and good concordant with one’s particular moral beliefs (while concomitantly judging others by them). For most, this strive is accompanied by a questioning of the very nature of the moral: Is there an impartial criterion that enables us to know objectively what one ought to do, or do our moral intuitions rest solely on subjective, arbitrary groundsRead More Ethical and Philosophical Questions about Value and Obligation977 Words  | 4 PagesQuestions about Value and Obligation I Recall the distinction between metaethics and normative ethics. Normative ethics deals with substantial ethical issues, such as, What is intrinsically good? What are our moral obligations? Metaethics deals with philosophical issues about ethics: What is value or moral obligation? Are there ethical facts? What sort of objectivity is possible in ethics? How can we have ethical knowledge? Recall, also, the fundamental dilemma of metaethics. EitherRead MoreImmanuel Kant And Kant On Morality1097 Words  | 5 Pagesare two which are usually compared to one another, Immanuel Kant and David Hume. Immanuel Kant had many theories throughout his philosophical time. Here are some of his ethical works, Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (1785), the Critique of Practical Reason (1788), and the Metaphysics of Morals (1797), which contains both â€Å"the Doctrine of Right†and â€Å"the Doctrine of Virtue.†He also had some other works of importance to his moral philosophy including the Critique of the Power of Judgment (1790)Read MoreKant Deontological Theory1659 Words  | 7 PagesStudent Name: Veronica Ryan Student No: 20120035 Assignment: Kant Lecturer: Prof: Wamsley Due Date: 23 August 2013 ____________________________________________________________________ Emmanuel Kant was an influential German Philosopher. He was born in Konigsberg in Prussia to Protestant parents he lived from 1724 to 1804. Kant observed the world around him and observed that that every culture religion and society has moral law whether they are obeyed or not. The Formula of Universal Law-Read MoreEssay on Exploration of Deontological Ethics833 Words  | 4 PagesDeontological Ethics Deontological ethics is concerned not with the action itself but the consequences of the action. Moral value is conferred by virtue of the actions in themselves. If a certain act is wrong, then it is wrong in all circumstances and conditions, irrespective of the consequences. This view of ethic stands in opposition to teleological views such as utilitarianism, which hold the view that the consequences of an action determine its moral worth. Kant’sRead MoreShould We Be A Good Grade?1612 Words  | 7 Pagesare answered based on beliefs: morals. Should I cheat on this test in order to get a good grade? What if I didn’t have the opportunity to study because you have to work every night in order to pay bills and if you don’t get a good grade then you lose your scholarship; is it right then? The answer is neither right nor wrong. The answer, is your answer; it is based off of your morals, your ethics. Scientologist, Raymond Baumhart, asked the question, â€Å"What does ethics mean to you?†to a group of businessRead MoreAristotle And Kant s Theory Of Justice1327 Words  | 6 Pagescompare philosophers Aristotle and Immanuel Kant is essentially to compare modern philosophy to classic philosophy. Aristotle’s theory of justice links together ethics and politics; while Kant’s theory of justice is based on strictly defined principles of morality. Modern philosopher Michael J. Sandel provides a detailed analysis of each theory in his book Justice: What’s the Right Thing to do? Although the key features of Aristotle’s and Kant’s theories are mostly different in nature, there are alsoRead MoreKant s Good Will Theory1219 Words  | 5 PagesAccording to Kant’s Good Will theory, â€Å"good will†means to act out of an overarching sense of duty and rightness. In order for an action to be borne of good will, it must be done solely because it is the right thing to do, and not because of the results that the action will bring. The only thing, Kant says, that is good without qualification is good will itself. In order for something to be good without qualification, it must be good on every occasion that it is used. Kant supplies three categories ofRead MoreKant s Impact On Ethics1389 Words  | 6 PagesImmanuel Kant was an intelligent, well-known German philosopher during the Enlightenment era of the l ate 18th century. During this enthusiastic time period, there emerged a strong belief in the ability of human reason to help understand the world and solve its numerous problems- including ethical ones. Kant’s contribution to ethics has been very substantial, and although ethics is the field he’s had the most profound impact on, Kant also spent his time working in other areas, such as metaphysics
Monday, December 9, 2019
Purchasing and Inventory Brisbane Outdoor Power Centre
Question: Discuss about the Purchasing and Inventory for Brisbane Outdoor Power Centre. Answer: Introduction Purchasing of a company is generally done to fill the stock of the organization so that it can run its business well and market the product as desired by the company. Inventory is generally referred as the goods and materials that the organization holds for it, for the purpose of sailing in the market (Armstrong, 2014). The inventory also refers to the science of placing the particular product in the market and sailing it as per the need of the customers. The paper reflects that Brisbane Outdoor is one of the reputed firms and tries to adapt itself to the market situation and sail the products as the demand of the market and earn the profit in retur. This research paper will provide information about the various methods by which inventories are maintained and the products are purchased for the benefit and use of the organization (Entrekin Scott-Ladd, 2013). Brisbane outdoor power center functions across three different locations in Queensland. The company was started in 1980 and dea ls with garden artifacts which help the common people to mow the land as they want. The company also takes care of the demands of its customers and targeted sections of the society and tries to fulfill the demand, maintaining the market position as needed. Current purchasing and the inventory management process of company It has been seen that the company operates from three of the different retail locations from Queensland. Moreover, these here of the retail outlets were identical but they offered the variety of the product mix in order to meet the desired demands of the local people or the customers (Fabozzi Markowitz, 2011). Brisbane outdoor power cut organization should take into considerations, single supply chain solution. Apart from looking for the least costly option, one can opt for the best business supply chain solution method which can provide benefit for the company for a longer term of years. Only availing of proper supply chain managers wont be a benefit for the Brisbane organization, one has to maintain and monitor the performance of the supply chain partners who are related in the company to perform the duties that they are assigned by the owners. Above, performing all the technological and supply meeting factors, one needs to analyze the information from the customers to meet their demands. An organization, who wants to come top in the market, should work closely with its suppliers and meet the demands of the customers (Gilbert, De Winne, Sels, 2015). The company should take care of the demands of the customers and should make efforts to fulfill them through minimum investment in inventory and purchasing but providing with the best result. Belinda green, the manager of the Strathpine branch, used to take around in the working place and observe the works that were done by the employees (Werner, 2014). This method did not prove to be fruitful as the firm ran on fairly loose and decentralized organization with common sense, mutual cooperation, and goodwill. The other branch managers also maintained their branches without tight operation and trusted the working of its branch managers completely. The working of the company was looked after regularly, and through the general method by keeping a regular check on the working of the company ("Googles latest accomplishment: refining marketing practice", 2012). The organization needed heavy investment in stock and also proper maintenance of it was needed. Therefore the company needs to take proper care of the methods that are used to check the regular working of the company. Management concepts and methods of supply-chain and inventory The company's distribution network should be maintained well, as it is seen that distribution affects every small functioning of the company, from delivery to sales. By improving the supply chain, one can bring holistic approach in the supply chain management of the company. A company should review the supply chain management process, to get a clear picture for the working of the company ("Googles latest accomplishment: refining marketing practice", 2012). Donald Saxon, the owner of the company, Brisbane outdoor had three other outlets which were not governed and maintained by strict rules. Distribution strategy is considered to be an integral part of any smooth running of the company (Waldman, 2011). While setting up a distribution strategy for the company, one should keep a notice in production facilities, warehouse, cross docks and the suppliers of the company. The company should take up correct technology in order to make right decisions and use correct process so that one can be in the top list and gain the confidence of its customers ("HRM and Quantitatives: Decision Tree and Vector Analysis in HRM Theory", 2014). Instead of doing so, an organization should go through the process and the points that need to be improved and then select the technology that satisfies the process needs. Monitoring the cash flow in a company is also important as it is considered as the fundamental tool, that a company should properly organize in an organization so that the proper condition of the supply chain management is maintained. In order to make all the processes fruitful, a company needs to establish informational conduits, like maintain and share important data, tracking of proper information and other key factors that may affect the supply chain of the company. Setting up a supply chain management process will help the company to get proper direction to work and help in aligning with supply chain strategy with the organization's strategy. Using such strategies will help to overcome barriers that hamper the growth of the organization the supply chain council should hold regular meetings and manage the working of the company (Ryall, 2010). The maintained data should be collected and distributed promptly and properly to the person who is involved in the supply chain management of the company ("Understanding the context of workplace health management as it relates to workplace bullying", 2010). A company can also maintain the supply chain management of the company through tracking the inventory at the proper time. By making use of such software, one can track the item and the purchasing factor for the company (Varma Budhwar, 2013). The managers related to supply chain, should be capable of identifying dealers who will earn a profit for the com pany rather than demean it in the market (Varma Budhwar, 2013). The supply should be properly segmented in the three outlets of Brisbane Outdoor power cut center so that the cost of purchasing the inventory is kept minimal and the profit for the company is at the highest. Brisbane Outdoor Power center can establish the methods of supply chain metrics (Sheehan Griffiths, 2011). The company has well-trained staffs to work for the organization; therefore the company should involve its employees in the management process of the company, and should accept the points stated by the workers, that may be useful for the organization. Advantages and Disadvantages of the used processes The methods used in running the inventory and purchasing process of the company not only made the organizations reputation strong but also helps the organization to maintain the working decorum of the place. The clients of the company were happy to pay the premium amount in order to get the best results ("the marketing mix: a review", 2014). These methods made the company produce quality products that can be relied on and deliver the job and perform as per the need. With the application of these methods, Brisbane was considered as one of the best companies in the industry. The company had experienced people as workers, who provide the best advice on purchasing of the land mower or any kind of garden artifact. The company also provided with reliability, performance and after sales service, and the spare parts were one of the best features of the company (Thompson, 2011). The methods of the company made it so prominent among the customers that it was sure, whenever a person comes to bu y products for one's lawn, the customers will choose only them. The methods used for running the business were so helpful that it made the customers as commercial operators for the company (Thomack, 2012). Some of the crucial disadvantages can be seen as the organization needed heavy investment in stock and also proper maintenance of it was needed. Therefore the company needs to take proper care of the methods that are used to check the regular working of the company. Recommendations The company should take up new methods of technology in order to gain more customers for it. The owner of Brisbane outdoor, Donald Saxon opened its first outlet in Mt. Gravatt in the year 1985. The organization deals with various garden artifacts and land mowers. The organization is considered to be the king of garden tool. The company operates in three different places: Ipswich, Strathpine and Mt Gravatt. The three branch managers followed three different methods in order to run the company and this needs to be enhanced to a great extent. The company lacked in inventory and purchasing process which could be developed by taking proper care of inventory and purchasing of products. The company needs to develop proper technology by which they can market the product and also compile its stocks without investing the huge amount of money. One can do so by establishing direct contacts, and maintain the relation. The organization is in need of proper supply chain so that all the branches tha t work independently of the other can perform up to the mark without worrying about the investment and extra money that will be spent in purchasing the inventory and filling up the stock of the company. All these can be done by, if proper usage of technology is made and one correctly checks the availability of the products and store them up as per the need of the company without investing a huge amount on the inventory and purchasing section of the company. Brief action plans for Recommendations Measures Need for the measure Priority Activities Identification of the present inventory procedure It will bring out the desired problems in the current business methods Highest Providing best solutions and enhancing the process Establishing the of authoritarian bodies The basic reason is for monitoring the changes Highest Monitoring the development plan Arrangement of Training session Enhancing the skills of the employees Highest Different methods for providing training needs to be implemented Conclusion An organization, who wishes to run a business successfully should have sufficient amount of raw materials, stocked up for itself as the need of the company. A Huge amount of money should not be invested by the company in purchasing the inventory products that are needed by the organization and also keep a proper check on the functioning of the organization so that needs to check at certain time interval. Brisbane outdoor power center has settled itself as one of the biggest company in the market, being the dealers of land mowers and working factors that are needed in the garden. Brisbane outdoor power Centre Company has a huge reputation in the market, therefore one who is willing to buy any kind of land mower products or garden artifacts will take the advice regarding land mowers from the company who are having well-trained staffs, exclusive power tool and a large variety in the brand. The company runs itself successfully in three different section of Queensland and all are independ ent of the other. Each branch has a different branch manager to look after the functioning of the company and come up with the best result and provide the maximum benefit to its users keeping the expenses within limit by using the methods as recommended in the file. References Armstrong, M. (2014).Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. London: Kogan Page. Entrekin, L. Scott-Ladd, B. (2013).Human Resource Management and Change. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis. Fabozzi, F. Markowitz, H. (2011).The theory and practice of investment management. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley Sons. Gilbert, C., De Winne, S., Sels, L. (2015). Strong HRM processes and line managers' effective HRM implementation: a balanced view.Human Resource Management Journal,25(4), 600-616. Googles latest accomplishment: refining marketing practice. (2012).Journal Of Consumer Marketing,29(3). HRM and Quantitatives: Decision Tree and Vector Analysis in HRM Theory. (2014).CBR,13(06). Ryall, M. (2010).Bridge management. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann. Sheehan, M. Griffiths, J. (2011). Understanding the context of workplace health management as it relates to workplace bullying.Intl J Of Workplace Health Mgt,4(1), 5-12. THE MARKETING MIX: A REVIEW. (2014).ELK Asia Pacific Journal Of Marketing And Retail Management. Thomack, B. (2012). Time Management for Todays Workplace Demands.Workplace Health Saf,60(5), 201-203. Thompson, P. (2011). The trouble with HRM.Human Resource Management Journal,21(4), 355-367. Understanding the context of workplace health management as it relates to workplace bullying. (2010).International Journal Of Workplace Health Management,3(1). Varma, A. Budhwar, P. (2013).Managing human resources in Asia-Pacific. Hoboken: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. Varma, A. Budhwar, P. (2013).Managing Human Resources in Asia-Pacific, 2E. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis. Waldman, S. (2011).Pain management. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier/Saunders. Werner, J. (2014). Human Resource Development Human Resource Management: So What Is It?.Human Resource Development Quarterly,25(2), 127-139.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
THE MASSACRE AT PARIS Essay Example For Students
THE MASSACRE AT PARIS Essay A monologue from the play by Christopher Marlowe NOTE: This monologue is reprinted from Masterpieces of the English Drama. Ed. William Lyon Phelps. New York: American Book Company, 1912. DUKE OF GUISE: Now, Guise, begin those deep-engenderd thoughtsTo burst abroad those never-dying flamesWhich cannot be extinguished but by blood.Oft have I levelld, and at last have learndThat peril is the chiefest way to happiness,And resolution honours fairest aim.What glory is there in a common good,That hangs for every peasant to achieve?That like I best, that flies beyond my reach.Set me to scale the high Pyramides,And thereon set the diadem of France;Ill either rend it with my nails to naught,Or mount the top with my aspiring wings,Although my downfall be the deepest hell.For this I wake, when others think I sleep;For this I wait, that scorn attendance else;For this, my quenchless thirst, whereon I build,Hath often pleaded kindred to the king;For this, this head, this heart, this hand, and sword,Contrives, imagines, and fully executes,Matters of import aimed at by many,Yet understood by none;For this, hath heaven engenderd me of earth;For this, this earth sustains my bodys weigh t,And with this weight Ill counterpoise a crown,Or with seditions weary all the world;For this, from Spain the stately CatholicsSend Indian gold to coin me French ecues;For this, have I a largess from the Pope,A pension, and a dispensation too;And by that privilege to work upon,My policy hath framd religion.Religion! O Diabole!Fie, I am ashamd, however that I seem,To think a word of such a simple sound,Of so great matter should be made the ground!The gentle king, whose pleasure uncontrolldWeakeneth his body, and will waste his realm,If I repair not what he ruinates,Him, as a child, I daily win with words,So that for proof he barely bears the name;I execute, and he sustains the blame.The Mother-Queen works wonders for my sake,And in my love entombs the hope of France,Rifling the bowels of her treasury,To supply my wants and necessity.Paris hath full five hundred colleges,As monasteries, priories, abbeys, and halls,Wherein are thirty thousand able men,Besides a thousand sturdy student Catholics;And more,of my knowledge, in one cloister keepFive hundred fat Franciscan friars and priests:All this, and more, if more may be comprisd,To bring the will of our desires to end.Then, Guise,Since thou hast all the cards within thy hands,To shuffle or cut, take this as surest thing,That, right or wrong, thou deal thyself a king. We will write a custom essay on THE MASSACRE AT PARIS specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Argue or accept - Smart Custom Writing Samples
Argue or accept - Smart Custom Writing HomosexualityIn the United States, homosexuality and consequently, same-sex marriages, has resulted in a lot of controversy and the trading of accusations and counter-accusations. Conceptually, marriage is defined as a legal and religious long-term commitment between two people of the opposite sex. This stretches further to incorporate rights in financial responsibilities and benefits as assigned to heterosexual couples. However, this traditional view is increasingly facing change and opposition. Several states such as Massachusetts, Connecticut, California, Iowa, the District of Columbia and, New Jersey have already reflected this clamour for change and adopted legislation allowing gay marriages. In these states therefore, homosexual couples have the freedom to decide whether to marry or not in a legally acceptable manner. The gay couples can enjoy mutual couple benefits such as legal spouse representation, medical visitations, pension benefits and inheritance rights accorded to the bereaved. In a few other states such as Rhode Island, Hawaii, Maine, Colorado and Wisconsin have instituted domestic partnership laws whereby gay couples can enjoy limited rights though gay marriages are out rightly outlawed. This has however not influenced the society to radically accept gay couples and end all stigma and discrimination directed unto them. Proponents of the entrenchment of gay rights into the United States Constitution argue that barring homosexual marriages is tantamount to discrimination. The essence of the United States Constitution is to protect and preserve minorities' rights and hence gay advocates feel that the federal government or anyone else should not bar marriage to any minorities. This argument is further supported by the Interracial Marriage Act whereby marriages across races were prohibited in the United States till 1967. Therefore, it is crucial to examine the pros and cons of gay marriages and evaluate them from a basis of whether it is plausible to not only legalise them but also mount awareness campaigns to de-stigmatize them. There are various arguments that have been put forward in support of gay marriages. These range from rights in freedom in the Bill of Rights, inherent rights, societal perspectives and biological claims. First, lobbyists and advocates for gay couples feel that if they are not legalized, this will be tantamount to isolation of their rights to religious freedom. Opponents to this have expressed the fact that all major religions consider homosexual relationships as a sin. However, the First Amendment as entrenched in the American Constitution that every person’s rights and views pertaining to religion or lack thereof be it a minority group or not, must be protected. The marriage institution is a secular and societal activity in contrast to the widely acknowledged view as a solely religious perspective of people’s lives. Therefore, the government cannot base laws on a religious concept. This can be equated as entrenching the mentioning of God’s name in vain as a crim e. Secondly, benefits that accrue to a married couple such as joint property ownership and medical benefits are also accorded to gay couples if their unions are legalized. Vital societal and mutual benefits such as tax reduction, property ownership, insurance benefits and agency laws affect a couple’s decision-making. For instance, if a partner in a gay couple that has lived together for twenty years falls ill, visitation rights to the other partner are denied since they are not recognized by law as the next of kin or spouse. Therefore, critical decisions such as incapacitation are not discussed conclusively by the couple. This, as the advocates pointedly illustrate, is unfair just because these individuals do not fit a state definition. Thirdly, gay couples and various couples not only feel that this is an accepted lifestyle but also cite biological causation. Over time, the widely held conception that homosexuality is a deviant sexual behavior is fading out. History, dating back to the Greece indicates the existence of homosexual relationships and the origin of such terms such as Lesbos for lesbians. Psychological research is underway that has already achieved in showing that same-sex relationships have a biological causation. However, caution should be taken to differentiate this from a genetic causation which has no substantial basis. This is depicted by the fact that in most gay couples, one partner exhibits characteristics of the opposite sex such as softer voices in males and strong cheekbones in females. There would be absolutely no need for an individual to choose to be gay in a world that frowns upon the same. This argument therefore renders support to the implied theory that homosexuality is involuntary. Fourthly, denying gay couple the right to a legal marriage is discriminatory. America was founded on the concept of majority rule with the protection of minorities such as the anti-slavery acts and inter-racial marriages. Furthermore, it does not hurt anyone in particular or the society. A marriage is deemed as a personal commitment between two people and should not be dictated upon by society. On to the fifth argument for gay marriages, it is important to note marriages are founded on the basis of love not the mutual benefits accorded by the state on couples. This is a life-time commitment whereby the partners vow to support each other through thick and thin and forsake all others till death. It is noteworthy that legal maneuvers accorded to couples in several states have not served to quest the clamor for legalization and acceptance of marriages. This implies there is more to these marriages than just legal aspects. The sixth argument put forward is that gay marriages will entrench family values whereby couples will give up high-risk sexual behaviors. This is a two-edged approach whereby the opposite can be viewed as the erosion of family virtues. However, marriages encourage people to settle down and give up frivolous lifestyles which expose them to STDs and other risks. When married couples commit to building a life together, they depict a positive desirable behavior that should be encouraged. Finally, it is important to note that gay couples enjoy the same financial benefits and constraints encountered by heterosexual marriages. Therefore, a homosexual marriage ensures couples support each other especially in the face of the ongoing turbulent economic times. They can easily meet their bills and utilities and live the American dream if these unions are legalized. On the other hand, opponents to this legislation have come up with a myriad number of reasons as to why gay marriages should not be legalized. First and chief among these is the religious aspect. Most religions in the world today consider homosexuality a great sin. Homosexuality is not only deeply opposed by the various religions in the country but it is also deemed offensive. It is seen as limiting the freedom of religion enjoyed by the majority. The fact that the United States Constitution was founded under a religious perspective and highly borrows from the Christian Bible further serves to indicate the citizens’ opposition to homosexuality. Hence, laws prohibiting homosexuality should be upheld. Secondly, the legalization of gay marriages shall weaken the definition and perspective attached to marriage as per se. With rising cases of divorce, which are projected at 50 percent, the respect accorded to marriages has already been weakened. Gay marriages, if legalized, are expected to increase the number of non-serious marriages viewed as making fun of this serious intuition such as individuals desiring to be tax-exempt. This shall be in utter contrast to the widely felt view that marriage is a sacred institution that should be well-adhered to. Further, this is supported by the fact that only people in the opposite sex can pro-create. Most activists against homosexuality feel that it encourages adoption while ignoring pro-creation, which is viewed as a gift from God. Secondly, the full adoption of marriage into the social setup shall ideally weaken the perspective in which traditional family values are held as the most vital in society. The chief building blocks of every society is the traditional nuclear family setup of man, woman and children. This has been the reason as to why societies have managed to remain rational throughout historical events such as the world wars, the great depression and other similar challenges. Family members have always stuck up close even when friends and lovers forsake thee. Therefore, it is noteworthy that our societies are crumbling due to the increasing change in perception of families and the weakening of their structure. Introducing another perceptive view to the already weakened family view shall definitely worsen the situation. Thirdly, this would trigger a slippery slope in the scope of the legality of marriages. Contrary to the proposition by gay proponents that these marriages would hurt no-one, this would trigger the onset of a chain reaction that would ultimately lead to a radical change in the whole idea of marriage. Abhorrent traits such as incest in which closely relate family members intermarry may come up. There is therefore a need to define the institution of family and marriage firmly, otherwise, the options and variations might prove to be endless. This may sound absurd, but it is vital to note that it does not take the majority to change this but a few activist judges to change these laws by interpreting them under the doctrine of stare decisis so as to impose this on everyone just as was the case in where two judges in California declared the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional.  Finally, the gay culture, under a psychological analysis and review, should not be encouraged. This is since it leads to psychological disorders, much lower life expectancy which is indicated at less than twenty years in comparison to the general population which can be attributed to the hassles experienced by this couples; and the highly likely transmittance of Sexually Transmitted Diseases as is the case in the studies conducted in Haiti by Centre of Disease Control. There is therefore a need to discourage unhealthy practices that are detrimental to humanity. In conclusion, it is important to note the controversy on gay marriages and homosexuality is a societal issue that must be resolved. Either the proponents and advocates of homosexuality will attain legislative and mutual recognition over time or the opponents of this change will manage to contain this whirlwind. It is therefore vital to analyze various articles that have appeared in the recent past which act as pointers as to the direction this crucial debate is taking. New York Times reporter David Dunlap notes that while the licensing marriages does not explicitly prohibit homosexual marriages at any one time, it â€Å"used terms of gender that clearly indicated that only heterosexual couples could marry.... In 1993, the Hawaii Supreme Court ruled that a refusal to grant marriage licenses violated the state constitution. Even though the court found that the state of Hawaii’s constitution had discriminated against homosexuals, which should legalize marriage nationally, presently there have been no same-sex marriage license that have been issued anywhere in the United States .†This reflects the situation at the time. There have been wide-felt changes since then. As of 2010, various states have already passed legislation in favour of gay marriages and gone ahead to issue licences. Conversely, an Online US News columnist feels that â€Å"one state court should not dictate marriage laws for the entire nation. If gay marriages become legal in Hawaii, other states may have to recognize them, as well, because the U.S. Constitution requires each state to grant full faith and credit to the acts of other states. But, he argues, many states do not want to recognize same-sex unions, and should not be forced to do so by a few judges in Hawaii.†Hawaii has gone forth to include various legal rights which safeguard the interests of gays. Is this a pointer that homosexuality is here to stay?
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Ideas for Substitute Teachers With No Lesson Plans
Ideas for Substitute Teachers With No Lesson Plans From time to time, substitute teachers will go to a classroom and find that there is no lesson plan waiting for them. When you as a substitute are familiar with the subject at hand, you can typically use the textbook as a basis for a lesson about the topic currently being taught. However, an issue arises when you know little about the classs subject. It can be even worse when you have no textbook available for review. Make learning fun, because so long as the students view you positively, youll probably be asked to return. Improvising for Substitutes Therefore, it is best to come prepared for the worst with activities and ideas of things to do with students. Obviously, it is always best to relate any work that you give to the subject if you can, but if not, it is still important to keep students busy. In terms of classroom management, the worst thing to do is to just let them talk. This can often lead to either disruption within the class or even worse noise levels that disturb neighboring teachers. These curriculum ideas for activities will help you succeed as a sub in this type of situation. Several of these suggestions include games. There are countless skills that students can develop through game playing such as critical thinking skills, creativity, teamwork, and good sportsmanship. There are opportunities for the students to practice speaking and listening skills when games are played individually or in groups. Some of these games or activities require more preparation than others. Obviously, you will need to use your best judgment about which will work with a particular class of students. It is also best to prepare with several of these as backups, just in case one is not working as well as you think it should. You can also get student input on which they would like to do. Lesson Ideas, Games, and Crafts Trivia: Bring trivial pursuit questions and set the class up into teams. Have them take turns answering questions while keeping score.Draw a Picture or Write a Story About a Prop: Bring in a prop and have students either draw a picture of it or write a story or poem about it. Then give out awards for best in the class, most original, funniest, etc. before the end of the class.View Optical Illusions: Print out a number of optical illusions, or put them on transparencies or a slide show and project them on a screen. Have students spend some time trying to work out what they are looking at. This is a high-interest activity that can spur interesting discussions.Pictogram Puzzles: Pictogram or Rebus puzzles are word puzzles that are visual (GOT, GOT, GOT, GOT; Answer: FOUR GOT FORGOT). Print out a number of puzzles, link them to a Smartboard, or project them. Play a Game of Hypotheticals: Pose hypothetical questions to students and have them come up with answers and solutions. These are best if they serve a purpose and instruct while still being fun. For example, you might include questions about first aid or dangerous situations to help students think through the best course of action in these situations. Apples to Apples: Lead player draws a description card (adjective: chewy) from the deck, then the other players each secretly submit a thing card (noun: shark attack) in hand that best fits that description. The lead player chooses the thing card that, in her opinion, best matches the description card. Create your own cards that are discipline-specific (English suffix descriptions: joyous, beauteous, gaseous, marvelous, and famous; math things: axis, number line, average, cube, and probability) or find other examples.Crosswords or Word Search Puzzles: Keep a stack of crossword and word search puzzles ready to hand out for students to complete.Hangman: This requires little preparation. However, it is best done in small groups; winners could then compete in tournament rounds.Origami cootie catchers: Make cootie catchers to use as study guides. For example, have students place vocabulary terms on the outside flap and the definition when the inside fla p is opened. 20 Questions: Tell the students whether you are thinking of a person, place or thing. Give them clues after every five questions. It can also be fun to keep score while you play. You get a point if you stump them and they get a point if they guess the right answer. Scattergories: The object of this famed board game is to quickly fill out a category list with answers beginning with the assigned letter. Points are awarded if other players/teams havent thought of the same answers. The player/team with the most points wins.Four Winds Blow: Also known as the Big Wind Blows or Great Winds Blow, the game is similar to Musical Chairs. It allows students the chance to get to know each other a bit better. You’ll need chairs, one fewer than the total number of players. One person starts by saying â€Å"Four winds blow for everyone who†¦Ã¢â‚¬ and then says a characteristic or behavior that could be true, ...ate breakfast. All players who ate breakfast must quickly find a new seat that is more than two chairs away from them. If the player is not able to find a vacant seat, he or she is the new person who is in the middle.Pictionary: You can play a game of Pictionary without the cards. Split the class into two teams, and take turns tryin g to guess what teammates are drawing on the board. Write Mission Statements and Goals: Teach students all about personal mission statements and goal setting exercises. Then guide them as they create their own.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Impacts of Sequestration on the Department of Defense Research Paper
The Impacts of Sequestration on the Department of Defense - Research Paper Example Reductions of federal funding across the boards, also known as sequestrations have had a considerable impact on the fiscal years prior to, and during 2014. It not only reduced optional operations, but also cut down on the direct spending of the federal budget (Epstein, 2013). This has led to widespread concerns about the Department of Defense’s personnel, reallocation budget, customer’s service and other such details. The federal budget cuts affected the Department of Defense Human Resources Management in several important ways. The former level of readiness, although sustained, has experienced an irrecoverable deficit due to a decade of counterinsurgency operations (Roulo, 2014). According to the Department of Defense website, the current President Budget promises to restore the equilibrium between readiness and planned force structure. The Budget Control Act (BCA) of 2011 encumbers this shift to the mission of Department of Defense. This is due to the fact that the reduced funding levels have decreased not only the number of trained personnel, but also hampered the maintenance of ground vehicle and aviation. Furthermore, the flying hours of Navy and Marine Corps are to be decreased, which would also result in decreasing the levels of their readiness (Estimated Impacts of Sequestration-Level Funding, 2014). Such are the impacts of sequestration that there has been a radical expected drawdown to 450,000 active soldiers, 335,000 in the Army National Guard and 202,000 reservists by the end of 2015 fiscal year. (Roulo,2014) These reductions will further lead to the Department of Defense relying more on National Guard. The Army personnel and readiness are perhaps facing the greatest drawback as almost 70 percent of the total cut-downs are facing in its direction. The Army, for instance cancelled seven combat training sessions and skilled personnel was lost due to frozen salaries (Roulo, 2014). This reiterates the Department of Defense concern about
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
UK constitutional convention Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
UK constitutional convention - Essay Example A constitutional convention is an uncodified or unwritten and an informal procedural agreement, which is followed by institutions in a state. Common wealth states for instance states that they follow the British west minister system of government. A constitutional convention is therefore traditional unwritten laws that form the fundamentals of the written constitution. Most states in the modern world are guided by constitutional conventions instead of the written constitutions1. However, in the states that follow constitutional conventions, they have difference in distribution of powers, which are remarkably different from those that follow formal constitutional documents (The Economist Intelligence Unit, 2006). Unlike the written constitution, which gives the head of state too much power, constitutional conventions in practice are used only to advice the government. The use of constitutional conventions arose when the exercise of a certain type of power that is not prohibited by law began raising opposition that it became impossible on future instances to take part in additional exercise of these powers. An example of such constitutional convention is that the prime minister of UK cannot continue in office lacking the support of the majority of votes in the House of Commons (The Economist Intelligence Unit, 2007). Different states have a system whereby they use constitutional conventions only, while others use a system whereby they operate alongside written constitutions. ... They can only be exercised when the parliament or the national assembly passes a decree or constitutional amendment codifying the convention. The above principle UK is viewed as authoritative and acceptable in many other jurisdictions, including the most of the common wealth countries (The Economist Intelligence Unit, 2005). Constitutional conventions are not always acceptable due to various reasons. One prominent reason is that they keep on changing overtime as compared to written laws that would require concept and a constitutional amendment. For instance in the UK, the British parliament requested a parliament dissolution from the monarch. Since then, the prime minister in the UK can decide to dissolve the government on his own without consulting the queen. It is of prime importance to note that constitutional conventions have played a huge role in promoting democracy2. This is because they promote equality in the decisions that an individual can make over the other. They also all ow citizens to participate equally in direct representation or through representative democracy (The Economist Intelligence Unit, 2004). According to The Economist Intelligence Unit (2003), constitutional conventions have been known to play a major role to promote democracy. UK has the highest number of constitutional conventions unlike other nations since the majority of its laws are not written. The countries constitutional conventions provide key rules and guidelines for the country’s constitution. These conventions add to, or take away from, in at times dramatic was. One of the main conventions in UK includes the convention of individual ministry responsibilities. The unwritten
Sunday, November 17, 2019
On Why George Bush Won the 2004 Presidential Elections Essay Example for Free
On Why George Bush Won the 2004 Presidential Elections Essay The â€Å"Economic and Demographic Determinants of Presidential Voting†, a journal published in 2005 and written by Robert McNown from the Department of Economics at the University of Colorado, examines on how George Bush won the 2004 US Presidential election. McNown claimed that the area of socio-economic uniqueness of the citizenry removes the implication of statistics of 2 macro-economic concepts, such as increase in real disposable income and unemployment rate, in which the increase of inflation and employment are significant factors in voting for a President (McNown 2). The claim of McNown was based on â€Å"seven economic models†which utilizes a prediction from a variety of experimental and chronological data, such as economic indicators, public opinion, and factors indicating the advantages of incumbency or Presidential term of office, predictive of probable winning of George Bush from 50–97 percent over Senator John Kerry. The seven economic models are basically â€Å"political perceptions or analysis†that forecasted George Bush ability to win, in which the American Political Science Association (APSA) based in Washington DC has compiled the predictions of seven political scholars that McNown refers as â€Å"seven economic models†(Rajaee 12). Party affiliations and strong economy According to McNown, voters are influenced by underlying economic factors relating to family values. McNown implied that Party â€Å"affiliation†is a determining factor in Presidential voting, which means â€Å"party loyalty†is perceived by electorates (McNown 78). To further explain, McNown exemplified the Democratic Party as reflecting only the awareness of economic destitute in a society but â€Å"partisanship†may favor or captivate impact to voters (McNown 8). What could be interpreted in McNown’s analysis on the â€Å"seven economic models†or political forecasts relating to the â€Å"pulse†of George Bush’ winning ability was the â€Å"voters perception†of party loyalty of Republicans, in which the party platform could be perceived as sensibly inculcated to the overall perceptions of general electorates, specifically the traditional American family values. Thus, the indicators of â€Å"economic values†, to which the Democrats were also bearing, could have been much attributed to the Republicans party loyalty as bearing the â€Å"family values†relating to a more advantageous approach to establishing a strong American economy. Findings McNown’s claim may be supported by the indicators and factors that made George W. Bush win the 2004 elections. First, partisanship has proven the support of American voters from the metropolitan areas, as the Electoral College may have intensified the issue on family values that bore more weight of perceptions in â€Å"party loyalty†, as mentioned on probable winning of George Bush from 50–97 percent over Senator John Kerry. Second, the Democrats bearing on issues of economic destitute being supported by the African-American electorates outside the metropolitan areas have been marginalized, in which the perception to â€Å"socio-economic variables†(like poverty) did not â€Å"pick up†or make a vital sense to the overall electorates. Third, integrating party affiliations, party loyalty and economic issues may still boil down to the â€Å"stance†of the conservative voters, ranging from middle-aged to elder electorates. We may synthesize McNown’s claim from his derivatives of â€Å"seven economic models†or perceptions that most of the old and young American voters were overly conscious in partisanship, party affiliations and loyalty, in which would mean being loyal to a party may extend the consistency and realization of the party platform in the public office. Conclusion We may conclude that partisanship creates and establishes a â€Å"domino effect†to voters. The magnitude of impact summons the loyalty to party affiliations regardless of the current socio-economic issues. Having a two-party system of partisanship in America could be largely â€Å"weight†by popular perceptions to which America shall vote. This popular perception may be also referred as pre-conditioning the outcome of election and the insights upon the shift of government. With the performance of the Republicans to the 2004 winning of President Bush, it may have once again proven the old American saying, â€Å"America belongs to loyal Americans†. Works Cited McNown, R. â€Å"Economic and Demographic Determinants of Presidential Voting†. Department of Economics and Institute of Behavioral Science. University of Colorado. 2005. 28 June 2008 http://spot. colorado. edu/~mcnownr/working_papers/presidential_voting. pdf Rajaee, B. â€Å"Political Scientists Forecast Bush Victory in 2004: Six Out of Seven Models Predict Bush Will Win†. American Political Science Association (APSA). 2004. 28 June 2008 http://www. apsanet. org/imgtest/campbell. pdf
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Ramifications of Prejudice and Discrimination Essay example -- une
Introduction Classifying oneself to be the object of prejudice or discrimination has demonstrable, negative impact upon the individual (Dion, 2002). Prejudice is a mixture of preconceived beliefs and negative attitudes towards a certain group of people. Whereas discrimination involves physical action and unequal treatment towards a particular group. Research indicates prejudice and discrimination are more or less interchangeably, with altered referents and slightly different meanings (Zastrow, 2007). Minorities have been the victims of prejudice and discrimination for many years (Dion, 2002). Certain minorities such as African American’s have been targeted and treated unfairly (Zastrow, 2007). For example, a Caucasian person can go into a store to shop without being followed or harassed however, an African American may not have the same experience. Throughout America in some instances Hernstein and Murray asserts that Caucasians are more intelligent, because IQ test demonstrate Caucasians average scores of 10 to 15 points higher than African Americans. Research revealed that those IQ test were racially imbalanced (Zastrow, 2007). American culture has been ambivalent, viewing race and ethnicity both as sources of pride, meaning, and motivation as well as sources of prejudice, discrimination, and inequality. Prejudice is a combination of stereotyped beliefs and negative attitudes (Markus, 2008). Perceived prejudice and discrimination, under some circumstances, may help buffer or protect aspects of the self-concept for members of certain minority or subordinate groups, in some instances (Dion, 2002). These terms stem from ethnocentrism, which according to Zastrow, (2007) is defined as a set of beliefs that holds one’s own cul... ...tive taking ability: Developmental, theoretical, and empirical trends. In S. M. Quintana & C. McKown (Eds.), Handbook of Race, Racism, and the Developing Child. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Reeves, K. (2000). Racism And Projection Of The Shadow. Psychotherapy. 37, 1. Rosik, C.H., Smith, L.L, (2009). Perceptions of Religiously Based Discrimination Among Christian Students in Secular and Christian University Settings. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. American Psychological Association. 4, 207–217 1941-1022/09 doi: 10.1037/a0017076. Schriver, J.M. (2011). Human Behavior and Social Environment: Shifting Paradigms essential knowledge for social work practice (5th Edition). Needham Heights, MA: Peason A & Bacon. Zastrow, C. H., & Krist-Ashman, K.K. (2007). Understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment (7th Edition.) Belmont, CA: Thompson-Brooks/Cole.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Relationships And Communication In A Classroom Education Essay
The schoolroom is comparable to the Broadway phase for so many instructors. It is their topographic point to reflect and stand out in their chosen calling. They both are greeted with an audience, who expect them to execute to the best of their abilities, they are frequently placed under examination but as an perceiver, if we take a measure back, it becomes clear that many factors play a portion in these performing artists shows. Learning is imperative in schoolrooms, it is the instructor ‘s responsibility to guarantee that pupils are larning, nevertheless it is besides of import, that within a schoolroom scene, the instructor besides learns from/ about the pupil. Learning would non take topographic point without communicating in the schoolroom. Often times you hear statements such as â€Å" she knows the content, she merely ca n't learn us †, this is due to a dislocation in communicating between the instructor and their pupils. This dislocation can be a consequence of a hapless teacher-student relationship, which once more affects pupils larning. It is obvious that these three factors are connected with relation to the schoolroom, nevertheless for the intent of this essay, I will discourse each factor separately. I will seek to associate my findings to my capable sphere, Physical Education, and as a consequence, become cognizant of the factors that will act upon acquisition, relationships and c ommunicating in my PE schoolroom. From looking at journal articles, it seems there is rather a positive correlativity between degrees of ego regard and academic accomplishment ( Torres, 1995 ) . Those who are confident and comfy in themselves tend to hold better classs than those enduring with low ego regard. Research has shown that relationships hold an consequence on ego regard. Bowlbey ( 1982 ) identified that pupil ‘s self esteem issues are rooted from place, if a parent-child relationship was secure, caring and supportive, this would hold a positive impact on the young person, therefore increasing their self-pride. Agirdag ( 2012 ) developed this thought farther and identified that pupil ‘s ego regard can increase due to a positive relationship between them and their instructor, taking to an addition in academic public presentation and motive. For this ground, the student-teacher relationship is of the highest importance in schoolrooms. It is critical, as pedagogues that we do our uttermost to better and increase our pupils self esteem as we want each pupil to accomplish their possible. Assorted surveies have looked at what adolescents position as the â€Å" most of import †constituents of self-esteem. They have found that â€Å" physical visual aspect †tops the list, followed by â€Å" societal credence †( Kutob, 2010 ) . As a preparation physical pedagogue, I feel this is highly of import to our subject and it is an country where we can do a existent impact on pupils. We have the flexibleness within our capable to cater for both constituents, particularly physical visual aspect. As a PE instructor, I will seek to better ego regard and assistance overall pupil development by learning my pupils the healthy manner to do a difference to their visual aspect. Whetestone ( 2007 ) carried out a survey of over 5000 young persons and found that male childs who perceived themselves as either underweight or overweight were significantly associated with self-destructive actions or ideas as were misss who saw themselves as corpulence. Keeping this in hea d, I can present some of my lessons through the course of study theoretical account of â€Å" Health Related Activity †foregrounding the benefits of exercising to them, what is meant by BMI, how to accomplish a healthy BMI etc. I can besides concentrate on nutrition and diet and overall, supply my pupils with the chance and cognition to alter their current behaviors which may be taking to their low ego regard, therefore bettering their ego regard. To heighten my pupil ‘s opinion of societal credence, I will present a strand utilizing the Sport Education course of study theoretical account. This theoretical account will heighten each pupil ‘s engagement within my PE category. Each pupil will be a member of a squad, this will give them with a sense of belonging, assist them develop feelings of individuality, learn that they are of import to their squad and their changeless interaction will better their societal accomplishments. Integrating such theoretical accounts and thoughts into my PE category should ensue in an addition in pupil ‘s ego esteem taking to improved dealingss between the instructor and pupil and besides amongst their equals. Communication within a schoolroom is of import in the overall development of pupils and their acquisition. It is the transportation of information and procedure of making intending for two or more people, it can be carried out through assorted different mediums including face to face, in groups, over the phone etc. ( Regan Morrissey 2012 ) . Within a schoolroom of about 20 five pupils, communicating is cardinal, the instructor must be able to pass on affectively to the category as a whole and besides to each of the pupils as persons. In order for the instructor to retain the categories ‘ attending, they must possess schoolroom direction accomplishments and have the ability to pass on efficaciously to their category utilizing non verbal communicating specifically ( Kyriacou 1997 ) . Non-verbal communicating straight affects a instructor ‘s relationship with their pupils therefore it is really of import for them to be cognizant of the construct of how they can stay an effec tual communicator in a professional mode. Tubbs & A ; Moss ( 2008 ) affirmed that non-verbal communicating can be knowing or unwilled. As an pedagogue, I can implement non-verbal cues in both positive and negative ways in my schoolroom environment. For illustration, with oculus contact, I can scan the schoolroom on a regular footing, oversing the pupil ‘s behavior but besides sing they all feel included in the interaction, therefore maintaining them on undertaking. The opposite can happen if I roll my eyes at a pupil ‘s response, disregarding their efforts, therefore taking to the pupil going disengaged from the lesson. It is of import that I get to cognize my pupils and larn to understand how they are affected by different state of affairss. With pattern, I will larn to maintain an oculus out for pupils non verbal cues as their subconscious actions frequently highlight what they are really experiencing at that clip, be it uncomfortable, embarrassed or otherwise. Student s may be excessively diffident to talk out and allow the instructor know what they are experiencing. This is backed up by research completed by Miller ( 2005 ) who found that gestural signals can besides be used to show feelings that are excessively upseting to province otherwise. In my PE categories, I must be cognizant of the pupils who hate executing presentations in forepart of their equals, they may go really self-aware and bloom, therefore foregrounding their unwilled non-verbal communicating and their undesire to partake in such an activity. The chief precedence in a schoolroom is student larning. Over the last figure of old ages, many course of studies have been farther developed and improved to let for greater pupil larning. Learning in a schoolroom goes beyond a instructor showing information to the pupils and the pupils construing it. Research has shown that non all worlds learn in the same manner. This presents instructors with an obstruction ; they must provide for the demands of each of the scholars in their schoolroom and show the scholars with the necessary information to win, to the best of their ability. Many pupils feel that Physical Education is non of import to their lives ; they do n't bask physical activity, do n't take part in it and do n't believe they of all time will. A batch of them are of the sentiment that PE category is merely a otiose chance to acquire more survey done. I believe the administration and end focal point of the pedagogue has a batch to make with this. We hear of pupil ‘s kicking about PE rather on a regular basis, ‘I ‘m bad at all athleticss so I hate the categories ‘ , nevertheless the course of study has been designed to integrate something for everyone. If the instructor delivers each facet of physical instruction course of study, providing for all types of scholars through usage of the different acquisition schemes, pupils should see great betterments in their PE lessons and thrive on the benefits of holding PE in their lives. To do a cross-curricular comparing, Milner ( 2010 ) conducted a survey and found that through usage of assorted larning schemes, she was able to actuate pupils and convert them of the relevancy of Science to their lives therefore, increasing their acquisition in Science Education. Howard Gardener ( 1983 ) introduced the construct of Seven Multiple Intelligences ( MI ) . He introduced his theory to the instruction sector and argued ; there are seven agencies of intelligence, giving you seven ways to learn, why would you merely utilize one? Gardener believed that instructors should follow the MI theory as a model for presenting their categories. The theory categorised intelligence as ; Logical Mathematical Linguistic Musical Spatial Bodily Kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Gardener ‘s theory is going of all time more popular among pedagogues due to the important consequences shown by surveies implementing it all over the universe. Kornhaber ( 2001 ) found instructors responded good to Gardener ‘s beliefs as â€Å" the theory validates pedagogues ‘ mundane experience: pupils think and learn in many different ways. †He believed that Gardener ‘s theory gave instructors a model for organizing their course of study and appraisals, and encouraged contemplation which, in clip, will better run into the demands of the pupils. I agree with Komhaber, as I feel it is really of import for pedagogues to oppugn their work and invariably challenge themselves to broaden their focal point and hence, challenge and help their pupils larning. Undertaking SUMIT ( Schools Using Multiple Intelligences Theory ) was carried out in the US in 1999, where research workers examined the performanceA of 41 schools utilizing MI over a three twelvemonth period. Results reported improved standardized trial tonss, reduced disciplinary misdemeanors, increased parent engagement, and increased ability to work with pupils with larning disablements ( Kornhaber, Fierros, & A ; Veenema, 2004 ) . Similarly, a survey conducted by Schirduan and Case ( 2004 ) , found utilizing MI within a school puting displayed successful consequences. However, this survey focused on pupils with ADHD. The pupils were shown to hold high degrees of intelligence outside of the logical and lingual spheres. In many schools, pupils will non hold the chance to expose their intelligence as there are no installations in topographic point for them to make so. As pedagogues we are perpetrating a societal unfairness to our pupils by non supplying them with the chance of booming in whatever intelligence spectrum they fall. As an pedagogue, you want to acquire the best out of each of your pupils. Understanding Gardner ‘s theory will help any instructor who is willing to alter their ways for the benefit of the pupil. I believe his theory is really applicable to Physical Educators and will seek to integrate different elements of the theory into my category so my pupils can stand out in their sphere. I will present visuals into my schoolroom, utilizing video cartridge holders as presentations for invasion games and dance public presentations. I will utilize music in dance and gymnastic exercises to assist pupils maintain beat and express themselves through motion. Team/group work will be encouraged to better interpersonal accomplishments during a assortment of physical and mental undertakings. Task cards will be introduced to provide for those whose strengths lie in the lingual sphere. I will reflect systematically on my lessons, cheque has pupil larning improved and from here develop new attacks that may help the pupils larning farther. Due to the restrictions of the essay size, I have non been able to discourse all the plausible factors that influence the rubric. I did, nevertheless, choose the three factors that I believe have the greatest influence ; self-esteem, multiple intelligences and non-verbal communicating. I provided a elaborate treatment whilst doing mention to the PE environment. In decision, communicating, larning and relationships interlink and accumulate to supply a positive acquisition environment for both the instructor and the pupil. A hiccough in the concatenation can ensue in maximum larning non being attained. Teachers must endeavor to better and retain the positive flow that occurs when the chief factors interlink at the right balance as this is when pupil acquisition is at its greatest. By invariably taking towards a end like this, instructors can stay motivated within their profession and protract their passion for learning.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Beijing Sammies Essay
The AGROVOC Concept Server (AGROVOC/CS) Workbench is a web-based working environment consisting of numerous functionalities for the distributed management and enhancement of the AGROVOC/CS built from the AGROVOC thesaurus. Following the Semantic Web’s vision, that emphasizes collaboration in the development of data and metadata to be shared and reused across the web, the management of AGROVOC will progressively be transferred from a few individuals in FAO to a wider community of international AGROVOC experts. These interested and competent users will share the collaborative maintenance and extension of AGROVOC, one of the most frequently used terminological resources for agricultural information management in the world. Maintenance of the future extended AGROVOC will thus be completely decentralized with people worldwide contributing to its development. This report provides a brief note on the technical aspects of the AGROVOC/CS Workbench. Technical details †¢ Multilingual web interface and content (UTF8). †¢ The software is developed in pure JAVA (version 1. 5. x), with no calls to any third party modules requiring precompiled DLLs or other operating system specific features. †¢ The Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is used with an Eclipse plug-in for development of the system. It is used to build the system as a fully Java based AJAX client browser application that is compatible with all common web browsers. †¢ Where possible the JSP 2. 0 Expression Language (EL) is used for any JSP development within the project (it’s a way of writing script-less JSP pages). Protege OWL api framework is used to connect OWL. †¢ MySQL is used as RDBMS. †¢ The system is DBMS-independent. Additional database abstraction layer for interacting with the OWL backbone and the relational database will be used (e. g. the hibernat e persistence and query service, etc. ). The system follows FAO guidelines for HTML publishing: †¢ Guidelines for Web site development; †¢ File naming convention and file organization guidelines; †¢ Check list for the clearance of Web sites. In summary, the system is based on the following components: Development components †¢ Eclipse 3. 2 †¢ JAVA-JDK version jdk1. 5. x †¢ Apache Tomcat (that supports JSP and JAVA Servlets) Google Web Toolkit (for AJAX framework), version 1. 4. 60 †¢ Google Web Toolkit Incubator, version 1. 4 †¢ Protege OWL API 3. 4 libraries †¢ Hibernate 3. 0 libraries †¢ Hibernate 4 GWT, version 0. 5 RC2 †¢ MySQL version 5 Server side †¢ Windows XP, Windows 2000, or Linux †¢ Apache Tomcat 5. 5. 9 or higher †¢ JAVA-JDK version jdk1. 5. x or higher †¢ MySQL version 5 or higher †¢ Protege OWL API 3. 4 libraries †¢ Hibernate 3. 0 libraries †¢ Hibernate 4 GWT, version 0. 5 RC2 †¢ WAR file with compiled JAVA files and necessary libraries Current Server Configuration †¢ OS : Debian GNU/Linux 2. 6. 22-2 †¢ CPU: AMD 64 bit †¢ Memory: 8GB †¢ MYSQL version: 5. 0. 45 TOMCAT Version: 6. 0. 14 †¢ Java-JDK: 1. 6. 0_04 Required Application 1. MySQL version 5 or above Available link to download: http://dev. mysql. com/downloads/ 2. Apache Ant version 1. 7. 1 or above Available link to download: http://ant. apache. org/ 3. JAVA JDK version jdk. 1. 5. x or above Available link to download: http://java. sun. com/javase/downloads/index. jsp 4. Apache Tomcat version 6 or above Available link to download: http://tomcat. apache. org/download-55. cgi 5. Protege Version 3. 4 beta Build 130 Available link to download: http://protege. cim3. net/download/old-releases/3. 4%20betas/build-130/full/ 6. GWT Version 1. 4 Build 1. 4. 62 Available link to download: http://code. google. com/webtoolkit/versions. html The Step of Configuration 1. Download AGROVOC Concept Server Workbench code from the CVS Server. 2. Download the sql script from CVS Server at folder named sql. Create the database. †¢ Run the sql script file located at your_directorySQLadministrator_agrovocwb _v_0_2_beta. sql This will install administrator_agrovocwb database. †¢ Run sql script file to install the owl model database located at your_directorySQLlank model _v_0_2_beta. sql Here we have provided blank owl model. †¢ You can convert owl file directly to database by using stand alone java program located at: our_directorysrcorgfaoaoscsserverprotegeconvertToDatabaseProject. java †¢ You need the change the variables in the file. |18 private final static String url = â€Å"jdbc:mysql://†; | |19 private final static String table = â€Å"†; | |20 private final static String user = â€Å"†; | |21 private fina l static String password = â€Å"†; | |22 private final static String uri = â€Å"file:/c:/†; | 3. To add model in the ontology list, go to database and table and insert new row with these values. Ontology id: (Auto increment) †¢ Ontology Name: Blank Model †¢ Ontology Description: AGROVOC Concept Server Workbench – Blank AOS Module †¢ Database URL: jdbc:mysql://:3306/? requireSSL=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8 †¢ Database Driver: com. mysql. jdbc. Driver †¢ Table Name: †¢ Database Username: †¢ Database Password: †¢ Display Ontology on the list: 0 for hide and 1 for Show 4. Use java editor to †¢ Change the configuration of the hibernate file that located in your_directorysrchibernate. cfg. xml Change the property of your connection password instead of â€Å"your_password†and change the property of your connection url instead of â€Å"your_url†. 13 your_password | |14 jdbc:mysql://your_url | †¢ Change the configuration of the database properties that located in your_directorysrcorgfaoaoscsserverow lDatabaseConnection. properties Change the property of your username of database instead of â€Å"your_username†and change the property of your password of database instead of â€Å"your_password†. |4 userAdminDB = your_username | |5 passwordAdminDB = your_password | †¢ Change the configuration of the mail file that located in your_directory srcorgfaoaoscsutilityMail. properties Change the property of your host name instead of â€Å"your_mailserver_host†, change the property of your port instead of â€Å"your_port†, change the property of your user instead of â€Å"your_user†, change the property of your password instead of â€Å"your_password†and change the property of your from information instead of â€Å"sender_email†. |1 host=your_mailserver_host | |2 port=your_port | |3 user=your_user | |4 password=your_password | |5 from= sender_email | †¢ Run build file to create war file using Apache ANT. 5. Copy the war file to folder of tomcat installation directory. 6. You can use the program by opening your browser and type †¢ http://localhost:8080/your_project_name
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Save money for the weekend. Perfect strategies
Save money for the weekend. Perfect strategies 5 simple ways to save money on a night out We know that staying up late is a necessary part of student life, but we do not blame you. Having analyzed the perfect party strategy for both undergraduates and seniors, we’ve found out there are ways you can save money and still be able to socialize with friends when Friday comes. Stock up on carbs. If buying expensive food, filled with carbs, is your guilty pleasure, try stocking up on kebabs and burgers beforehand. That hot dog may seem like a good idea once you are at a party, but you do not know the real price of a thing, or whether you really need it at this very moment. You may also want to have a snack right before the party, so you don’t gobble up food once you are there. It is highly inadvisable to sip on your drinks on an empty stomach, as it may cause indigestion later, when you are coming home with your friends and college mates from uni. Prepare food ahead of time. You may want to eat a horse right after you come back from a party, so we recommend a few slices of pizza to be bought beforehand, so you won’t have to wake up your dorm to the sound of fire alarm! Nobody wants to become the guy who is setting the place on fire because he is too tired to make the dinner properly. In case you know you are going to be hungry upon return, stock up on pre-prepared foods the night before. Turn up early. Students don’t have an opportunity to pay high entry fees, so it would be a good move to come to the club when there is no one around. We know it sounds ridiculous to hit the place with only a couple of dudes at the bar, but believe us, you would be really thankful when it’s finally midnight and you have the privilege of paying a reduced price for your entry ticket. Besides, you can always tell your friends it was you who started all the action on the dance floor! Act like a celebrity. If you don’t want to pay for your entry ticket, try to interact with the party headliners and butter them with the promises of a packed dance floor and your crazy friends bringing cash into their pockets. They are usually very careful about maintaining a perfect reputation, so they will definitely sort you out among other students and provide your group with a VIP card to make the evening more pleasurable. There might be some kind of face control at the entrance of the club, so distinguishing a familiar face or two won’t hurt. Set a budget. Though we may have different incomes and side jobs, setting a party budget will help you control the costs and come home early if you hit your credit card maximum. Now, they have prepaid options and mobile applications that allow you to monitor your money waste. Once you reach a certain limit and can spend no more, the program sends a direct message to your phone and you now it’s time to get going. We may sound like helicopter parents now, but checking on your credit card from time to time can save you money and help pay off your student loan in the future. When you are in the center of social life at the university and feel like the heart and soul of the company, it may be hard to observe, but you will certainly thank yourself later, when it’s time to cover the costs and make an annual payment.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Free sample - Access to Law. translation missing
Access to Law. Access to LawFreedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err. It passes my comprehension how human beings, be they so ever experienced and able can delight in depriving other human beings of that precious right. You must not lose hope in humanity. Humanity is an ocean, if few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. (Mahatma Gandhi). Throughout human history mighty voices indeed have emerged to grace and offer fulfillment and hope to those struggling under the yoke of suppression. Their legacies will shape and impact our lives for decades to come. If freedom means doing what we should rather than to do whatever we want, who decides what we should do and does any man have the right to impose that on others? (Pope John Paul) There is no point in one having freedom if it fails to represent freedom for all in an equal manner. How is it that people are ever so clever, yet enjoy taking away another’s right? You should not lose hope in the human race, as there are so many of us and we are not all the same. We are like a bag of apples; picking one bad apple from the bag does not mean that they are all bad. Throughout history, there have been many role models who have fought for equality and hope for many deprived people. They have become legends and have had a strong impact on many people’s lives today. Could it be that we as humans have never been allowed to experience freedom without sacrificing the little that we contain. Initially I will look at Gandhi the Mahatma and analyze a bit of his history and the impact he has on the nation today. Further, I will be analyzing ones freedom and entitlement to it. Lastly I will give my views on being allowed to exercise their personal rights. Regarded as the father of hope, Gandhi the Mahatma is one of the most celebrated individuals who have played a major role in the fight for the less fortunate and minority in the society, giving inspiration by his words of wisdom and actions alike, Brown( 2001, P. 22) Wolpert ( 2004,p. 43). He was among the few respectable individuals who walked the talk. Though born in a wealthy Hindu family, Mahatma Gandhi lowered himself from the glory status that his birthright had placed on him to the â€Å"grass†level where the majority of the people occupied. He played a major role in advocating for the rights of the less fortunate in the society and he participated in war without any weaponry but with his words full of wisdom and people empowerment. One of his famous quotes relates with his general perception and believes on humanity. He presented his argument in the context of freedom. He famously said, â€Å"Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err. It passes my comprehension how human beings, be they so ever experienced and able can delight in depriving other human beings of that precious right. You must not lose hope in humanity. Humanity is an ocean, if few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty†Erikson (2005, p. 77) Chadha (2007, 90). This is a question that one would ask, is everyone entitled to freedom? And what is freedom. Freedom can be looked at in various perspectives. Fundamentally we see that the system is designed in such a way that it segregates against others either based on their skin color or race and ethnicity, their position in society, religion, gender, age, and any other variable that a socio-economist might take into account when analyzing the social status of individuals. Here we see people expected to act and live in a given lifestyle that is acceptable to the given system or the code of conduct that governs a given society of community. Such defined code of operations clearly embeds mechanisms of dealing with cases of deviation from the norm. The argument of existence of freedom is one of the most debatable concepts in human life. We witness cases where the systems have very stringent rules such that people’s options are so limited such that whenever one does something considered to be out of the norm he or she is punished or sometimes expelled from the system. Most people have died as a result of doing things against the rules or code of ethics defined in any given system such incidences can really bring the question into further scrutiny on whether really freedom exists. I believe people should be allowed to exercise their personal rights and do what they want to do as long as the repercussions are within their area of jurisdiction. Such acts will lead to people learning from others mistakes and also device a mechanism of overcoming such challenges. It will be essential for every system to be open in such a way that the members are allowed to always challenge the status quo and also be able to positively criticize where possible. Existences of closed systems have promoted suffering among many members of the society and such acts have to be condemned. The legacies of the heroes like Mahatma Gandhi and many other advocates of human life is the living example that drives us to the believe that any system should be able to allow the citizens to exercise their right and thus the need for the creation of the fundamental environment that allows people to freely live whenever they want, however they want and with whoever they want as long as the choices do no breach other people’s freedom. Reference Brown, Judith M. Gandhi: Prisoner of Hope. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2001. Chadha, Yogesh. Gandhi: A Life. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2007. Erikson, Erik. H. Gandhi's Truth: On the Origins of Militant Nonviolence. New York: Norton, 2009. Wolpert, Stanely. Gandhi’s Passion: The Life and Legacy of Mahatma Gandhi. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Modern Shipping Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Modern Shipping Industry - Essay Example Even the applicability of privity of contract to the maritime contracts was established only after the court rulings in Tweddle & Atkinson [1861]1 and Thompson v Dominy [1845]2. Section 1 of the Bill of Lading Act was enacted to provide the right of suit to the consignee as well as the transferee of the Bill of Lading thus providing an exception to the privity of contract. However one major flaw was that the right of suit was made available only in respect of the conditions specifically and expressly mentioned in the Bill of lading. since the essence of Section 1 is to transfer the right of suit 'as if the contract contained in the bill of lading had been made with himself' . Thus made the section inoperative in those cases where the right of suit on reasons otherwise than on consignment or endorsement and this wording was adversely affecting the position of the Banks in whose favour the bills of lading were endorsed not giving them the right to sue. Under the circumstances where the Bills of lading were not able to be received by the consignees within such time the vessel reaches the destination, the buyer became the owner of the goods by producing a 'letter if indemnity'. As was decided in the case of The Delfini [19903] this act of becoming owner by delivery and 'not upon reason of consignment or endorsement' excluded the receiver's right to sue. The rulings in cases like The Aliakmon [1986]; where an endorsement was made in the Bill of Lading for the agent to take delivery on behalf of the consignee held that there was no transfer of property and in the case of The Aramis [1989]; since it was not possible to ascertain the specific goods consigned from a larger bulk, held that the property did not pass as laid down in Section 16 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979, have subsided the effect of the Delfini case. Cessation of Liability of the Ship owner: The decision in the case of Grant v Norway [1851]4 provided for the cessation of liability of the ship owner to the endorsee or transferee of the Bill of lading in cases where the ship owner can prove that the goods were not actually shipped., section 3 of the Bill of Lading Act 1855 was enacted to provide that statements made in the bills of lading with regards to the goods shipped would be conclusive evidence of such shipment "as against the Master or other persons signing the same". However this provision did not provide the necessary remedy for the problem as the ship owners were inclined to take advantage of the courts reading the provisions of Section 3 literally, by applying the principle of estoppel in their favour. Hence section 3 of the Bill of Lading Act proved ineffective in solving the issues created by the case of Grant v Norway [1851]5. Coverage of the Bill of Lading Act 1855: One final issue concerning the Bill of Lading Act was that it generally covered only 'Bills of Lading' and not 'sea way bills' which were the order of the day during the last few decades with the containerization of the goods which was not covered by the old Act. Provisions of the UK Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1992: Section 2 (1) (a) of the UK Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1992, empowers the consignee to sue the carrier in contract, where the consignee is the
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Telecommunications Industry of Zimbabwe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Telecommunications Industry of Zimbabwe - Essay Example The telecommunications market in Zimbabwe and the world around is becoming increasingly consolidated, thus enabling the key players in the telecommunications industry to come out with products at a faster pace, so as to meet the demands of their customers and the trend of the market. The importance of investigating the relationship between project management maturity, business performance and project performance in the telecommunication industry in Zimbabwe cannot be overstated. A number of other studies have shown that the issue of what constitutes the most appropriate method of state policy restructuring as regards technological and industrial development is a matter of contention. Zimbabwe continues to open up its economy to market forces and as such more research and studies should be carried out about the country's economic and political roles and also on the social implications of telecommunications reform and reforms in other sectors of the economy. In a study carried out about contemporary south African telecommunications, the researchers noted that "while much has been written about general industrial development in that co... Zimbabwe continues to open up its economy to market forces and as such more research and studies should be carried out about the country's economic and political roles and also on the social implications of telecommunications reform and reforms in other sectors of the economy. In a study carried out about contemporary south African telecommunications, the researchers noted that "while much has been written about general industrial development in that country, there is no real detailed study of any of its major industries." (Kaplan, 1990). It can be said that the same also holds in the case of Zimbabwe. This situation can lead to some critical deficiencies in understanding because most major economics development processes can only be discerned through such detailed studies. 2. Theory and research review It should be noted that there are very few, if any publications about the telecommunications industry in Zimbabwe. Although one may find an occasional paper that discusses physical road and air transportation and communication or books about the postal history of the country, there hasn't been any prior real interest in the Zimbabwean telecommunications sector, even though this sector continues to grow in importance. As such, literature on telecommunications in Zimbabwe has mostly been manifested in papers presented at various economic, business or investment conferences. SWOT analysis: 3. Research problem statement and research objectives This study investigates the ways in which efficient management techniques can be implemented in the Zimbabwean telecommunication industry, as well as investigating the manner in which project maturity, business performance and project performance relate to one another in the industry. 3.1. Problem statement The
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
External Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
External Analysis - Essay Example This paper will explore and analyze the fast casual restaurant industry in the USA with considerations on Mr Empanada Franchise Corporation, a fast food casual restaurant, which is headquartered in Tampa Florida. The paper will look into the strategy of Mr Empanada and give recommendations on the same. Primarily, the paper will look into the political and legal environment in the industry and then look into the power of suppliers. Political and Legal Environment Considering the political structure of USA, both the laws of the federal government as well as the laws of the state where the business is operating govern all the businesses. The fast food restaurant in the USA is highly flourishing which is an indication of good policies regarding the restaurant industry. The state of Florida, which is the home of Mr Empanada and other multinational fast casual restaurants such as McDonald’s and Burger King Corporation, is one of the states where the restaurant industry is well estab lished. It is imperative that the restaurants should not only be conversant with the prevailing laws, both federal government and state government laws, but should also ensure that they comply with the laws. Mr Empanada engages in the manufacturing and sale of food substances, which are highly regulated by food laws that seek to protect all US consumers and apply to both USA and foreign corporations operating in the USA (Smith 353). The manufacturing facility is certified by USDA meaning that the facility is usually subjected to a daily inspection to ensure that the corporation upholds the required level of hygiene and practice in handling food for human consumption. The US FDA regulates food, beverages, and dietary supplements that are meant for human consumption or for consumption by other animals in the United States. The FDA regulations are entrenched under the US Bioterrorism Act that requires all corporations dealing with manufacturing, processing, storage or packaging of food stuffs intended for consumption in the USA be registered. It is important that all fast food restaurants should follow the due process for registration with US FDA. It is also very important that all restaurants should be conversant and compliant with all the national and state laws that govern food, beverages and other dietary supplements. In the state of Florida for instance, the enforcement of legal requirements for fast casual restaurants is very strict to ensure maximum quality and safety of foodstuffs. The Division of Hotels and Restaurants, of the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulations, deals with the fast casual restaurants to ensure that they uphold quality and professionalism in their operations. The Division of Hotels and Restaurants inspects licenses and permits, and regulates the establishment of food services in the state in accordance with Chapter 509 of the Florida statutes. The H&R division regulates engineered facilities such as escalators, ele vators and other vertical installations in hotels and restaurants in accordance with chapter 399 of the statutes of Florida (Florida 1518). It is prudent for restaurants in the casual fast food industry to comply with all the laws and requirements of regulatory bodies to avoid undue lawsuits and liability. Mr Empanada for instance has duly complied with the requirements of USAD and has been certified by USAD to offer its services in Florida. Restaurants are often
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